ionic 3 photo library image not displayed on img tag

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-12-05 15:04:27

I think I've found a solution here - change WKWebView to UIWebView. Then the pictures show up.

I found the reason in this post. Also ionic official doc also proves that currently WKWebView doesn't support local files.

I hope my post will help someone with similar situation, and do hope ionic team could soon improve WKWebView in terms of custom schema file path. Happy coding~!

This works like a charm:-

If you are using wkwebview(which is now default for new apps) then follow below steps,

import { normalizeURL} from ‘ionic-angular’;

store your image path in some new variable.
var imagePath = this.file.dataDirectory + “test.png”;
this.tempImagePath = normalizeURL(imagePath);

then in your html file,
use tempImagePath as image src.


To see if WKWebview is installed correctly, try adding this to your main app component:

if (window.indexedDB) {
  console.log('I have WKWebview installed!');
} else {
  console.log('I have UIWebView installed!');