Reliable Deployment of Delphi-Generated Dylib on OSX

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-05 08:05:32

The install_name_tool seems to require that certain parts of the dylib are in a certain order like "local relocation entries" then "symbol table", "local symbols", ... The error message means that this order is not as expected.

My suggestion is that you try to patch the dylib file. I do that all the time with OSX executables because I need to tell them which dylib versions they are compatible with. This fixes a couple of bugs in a Delphi OSX application. A dylib has a very similar structure as the executable. My experience is that patching these files is not as complicated as it sounds.

You can find the description of the file structure here:

The LC_LOAD_DYLIB section is what you'll need to look at. You should be able to replace the dylib names with something longer as this section usually has some extra padding.
