Overriding @Id defined in a @MappedSuperclass with JPA

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-12-05 06:20:48

You can't do it, as demonstrated by this GitHub example.

Once you define the @Id in a base class you won't be able to override it in a sub-class, meaning it's better to leave the @Id responsibility to each individual concrete class.

For more details about this topic, check out this article.

Split your base class.

Defines all common fields but ID:

public  abstract class AbstractEntityNoId implements DomainEntity {
 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    @Column(name="creation_date", nullable = false, updatable=false)
    private Date creationDate = new Date();

Extends above with Default ID generator:

public abstract class AbstractEntity extends AbstractEntityNoId {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    protected Long id;

    public Long getId(){
       return id;

Classes requiring custom ID generation extend the former and others the latter.

With the above, no existing code will have to change other than the Entities requiring the custom ID generation.

One of the solution, which is not feasible in some cases, is to use the annotations on the get methods instead of the fields. It will gives you more flexibility specially to override whatever you want.

In code :

public class AbstractEntity implements DomainEntity {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    protected long id;

    private Date creationDate = new Date();

     * @return the id
    /** This object's id */
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    public long getId() {
        return this.id;

     * @param id the id to set
    public void setId(long id) {
        this.id = id;

    @Column(name="creation_date", nullable = false, updatable=false)
    public Date getCreationDate () {
        return this.creationDate ;

And your subclass :

@Table(name = "sample_entity")
public class ChildEntity extends AbstractChangeableEntity {

private int priority;

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.ANOTHER_STRATEGY)
public long getId() {
    return this.id;

@Column(name = "batch_priority")
public int getPriority() {
        return priority;
public void setPriority(int priority) {
        this.priority = priority;

