Vanity, Rails 3 and Heroku

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-05 05:37:34

Yeah, it was something stupid, all right. You don't use host, you use connection.

  adapter: redis
  connection: <%= ENV["REDISTOGO_URL"] %> 

Hope this helps someone, because I nearly beat my computer to a pulp.

If you are using Postgres on Heroku you need to do things a bit different. Here is my hack (config/vanity.yml):

  adapter: active_record
  active_record_adapter: postgresql

  <% username, password, host, database = ENV['DATABASE_URL'].scan(%r{//(.*):(.*)@(.*)/(.*)}).first %>
  host:     <%= host %>
  username: <%= username %>
  password: <%= password %>
  database: <%= database %>

And you have to force Vanity to not use the Redis adapter (a bug if you ask me). Put this in an initializer:


One final note: If you're using ActiveRecord & Postgres on Heroku and you ARE NOT on the shared database, the connection string should be:

username, password, host, port, database = ENV['DATABASE_URL'].scan(%r{//(.*):(.*)@(.*):(.*)/(.*)}).first