Facebook API - different user ID's for each app?

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-05 05:08:07

Well, this is very old news. It's been like that since April 30th 2014. With the introduction of the graph API v2.0, FB also introduced the Business Mapping API, which is designed for your use case.

You won't receive one user id, but you'll receive a token_for_business:

This returns a string which is the same for this person across all the apps managed by the same Business Manager.


LoginManager.logInWithReadPermissions(['email']).then((result) => {
          if (result.isCancelled){
            //console.warn("Login is canceled");
          } else {
             AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken().then((data) =>{
             const responseInfoCallback = (error, result) => {
                if (error) {

                } else {
                    //you can pick data.userID  and data.applicationID
                    //To getting unique id of user by application
                    //I think you can use (data.userId + data.applicationId) as the id
                    //For getting profile you can use result.name, result.id (it likes data.userId)
                    //Token is available in data.accessToken

              const infoRequest = new GraphRequest(
                  accessToken: data.accessToken,
                  parameters: {
                    fields: {
                      string: 'email, name, gender, picture,cover, id'
              new GraphRequestManager().addRequest(infoRequest).start()
        }, (error) => {