“FOLLOW_set_in_”… is undefined in generated parser

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-05 04:16:09

I encountered same problem.

I think it happens if parser rule has a part of simple OR-ed token like this:

problem_case: problematic_rule;
problematic_rule: 'A' | 'B' ;

This doesn't happen if it is lexer rule.

workaround1: As_lexer_rule;
As_lexer_rule: 'A' | 'B' ;

Or, if it is complicated rule (not simple OR-ed token).

workaround2: make_it_complicated_needlessly;
make_it_complicated_needlessly: 'A' | 'B' | {false}? NeverUsedRule;
NeverUsedRule: /* don't care*/ ;

( I used semantic predicate "{false}?" for this modification. I believe it doesn't change the grammar of target language.)

it seems to be an old post, but yet, maybe it's still useful for someone (as it was for me).

I encountered the same problem with the C runtime of antlr 3.5.

another easy workaround, that does not change the grammar:

problem_case: problematic_rule;
problematic_rule: a='A' | b='B' ;