Zoomable SVG with clickable areas - Android

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-12-04 15:40:11

First of all, really sorry for late answer. Hope it is not too late for everyone :)

I made a GitHub repo with code sample (not with working app), so please, use it! :)

Use repo's readme for some details.

Core solution:

SVG svg = SVGParser.getSVGFromResource(getResources(), R.raw.world_map);

// Get image view (this is our SVG map that is going to be clickable and zoomable):
ImageView touchImageView = (ImageView) view.findViewById(R.id.touchImageView);

// Create drawable (will convert svg to drawable so we can set it to image view as a bitmap):
PictureDrawable image = svg.createPictureDrawable();
Bitmap b = drawableToBitmap(image); // refer to WorldMapFragment for source code of the converting method 

// Create image with clickable areas from previous image view and set listener to id (listener of type OnClickableAreaClickedListener created in onAttach callback):
ClickableAreasImage clickableAreasImage = new ClickableAreasImage(new PhotoViewAttacher(touchImageView), listener);

// Define your clickable areas
// parameter values (pixels): (x coordinate, y coordinate, width, h eight) and assign an object to it
List<ClickableArea> clickableAreas = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, FintemCity> cities = svg.getCities();
for (String key : cities.keySet()){

// Set your clickable areas to the image

Votes are appreciated! :)
