Random Walk on Bipartite Graph with Gremlin

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-04 13:30:35

I found this to be a really strange issue. I found several very strange problems which aren't easily explainable and in the end, I'm not sure why they are the way they are. The two big things that are strange to me are:

  1. I'm not sure if there is a problem with the shuffle step. It does not seem to randomize properly in your case here. I can't seem to recreate the problem outside of this case, so I'm not sure if it's somehow related to the size of your data or something else.
  2. I hit strange problems with use of Math.random() to break out of the loop.

Anyway, I think I've captured the essence of your code here with my changes that seem to do what you want:

runRankQuery = { userVertex ->
    def m = [:]
    def c = 0
    def rand = new java.util.Random()
    while (c < 1000) {
        def max = rand.nextInt(10) + 1
            .loop('x'){it.loops < max}  
    println "intermediate result $m"
    m.each{k,v -> m[k] = v / m.values().sum()}
    m.sort {-it.value }
    return m.keySet() as List;

I replaced shuffle with my own brand of "shuffle" by randomly selecting a single vertex from the gathered list. I also randomly selected a max loops rather than relying on Math.random(). When I run this now, I think I get the results you are looking for:

gremlin> runRankQuery(user1)                                       
intermediate result [v[2]:1787, v[3]:326]
gremlin> runRankQuery(user1)
intermediate result [v[2]:1848, v[3]:330]
gremlin> runRankQuery(user1)
intermediate result [v[2]:1899, v[3]:339]
gremlin> runRankQuery(user1)
intermediate result [v[2]:1852, v[3]:360]

You might yet get Math.random() to work as it did behave predictably for me on some iterations of working with this.
