Small sized collections from C5 Generic Collection Library are comparatively very slow - can anything be done?

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-04 12:56:49

I'm wondering here if your results are a little misleading, and that the differences you're seeing for C5 are in fact (possibly) due to the overhead of assembly loading/JIT compilation on the first use of the add/sort method. The generic collections not suffering from this as a result of the system assemblies having already been already loaded/NGen'ed.

I repeated your test using C5 2.1.4596.30350, but ran the whole test multiple times (without restarting the application so as to avoid any one-off overheads). The results seem to suggest that there is an time penalty on first use of C5 collections (consistent with a one-off overhead like JIT compilation) that disappears on subsequent uses, leaving C5 performance effectively the same as that of the generic collections.
