Mongoosastic - { [Error: No Living connections] message: 'No Living connections' }

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-12-04 10:16:11

I am also facing same issue but I solved now using below method

Its very simple : you have to install elastic search in your local or anywhere else

  1. Download elastic search
  2. Extract folder
  3. go to folder from cmd or Treminal find bin folder and inside that folder run elastic search script
  4. And in nodejs code by default it will link to localhost:9200 so no need to use new elasticsearch.Client({host: 'localhost:9200'}) , but if your elastic search deloyed some where else then you have to use above client method

When adding the plugin to your JobSchema model, you need to pass a second parameter with how to connect to Elasticsearch:

JobSchema.plugin(mongoosastic, {
  hosts: [

You can also re-use an Elasticsearch client object if you have one ready.

var esClient = new elasticsearch.Client({host: 'localhost:9200'});
JobSchema.plugin(mongoosastic, {
  esClient: esClient

I think you have to create a client and pass it into the plugin, but use ip addresses that is what worked for me.

// == http://localhost:9200

var esClient = new elasticsearch.Client({host: ''});
JobSchema.plugin(mongoosastic, {
    esClient: esClient

Note: if you were not previously using elasticsearch you might have to re-index your documents (I had to, but I may have done something wrong)

Referencing this answer:

from that answer you can pass host straight into the plugin and do not have to create the client.
