Best practices for seaching for alternate forms of a word with Lucene

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-04 10:12:54

Consider including the PorterStemFilter in your analysis pipeline. Be sure to perform the same analysis on queries that is used when building the index.

I've also used the Lancaster stemming algorithm with good results. Using the PorterStemFilter as a guide, it is easy to integrate with Lucene.

Word stemming works OK for English, however for languages where word stemming is nearly impossible (like mine) option #1 is viable. I know of at least one such implementation for my language (Icelandic) for Lucene that seems to work very well.

Some of those look like pretty neat ideas. Personally, I would just add some tags to the query (query transformation) to make it fuzzy, or you can use the builtin FuzzyQuery, which uses Levenshtein edit distances, which would help for mispellings.

Using fuzzy search 'query tags', Levenshtein is also used. Consider a search for 'car'. If you change the query to 'car~', it will find 'car' and 'cars' and so on. There are other transformations to the query that should handle almost everything you need.

If you're working in a specialised field (I did this with horticulture) or with a language that does't play nicely with normal stemming methods you could use the query logging to create a manual stemming table.

Just create a word -> stem mapping for all the mismatches you can think of / people are searching for, then when indexing or searching replace any word that occurs in the table with the appropriate stem. Thanks to query caching this is a pretty cheap solution.

Stemming is a pretty standard way to address this issue. I've found that the Porter stemmer is way to aggressive for standard keyword search. It ends up conflating words together that have different meanings. Try the KStemmer algorithm.
