Android : How can I implement user manual or app instruction on start up of app

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-04 09:15:31


I am new to Android development, I need to show user manual like Flip-kart app on start-up of app.

Please refer the image below, You will get an idea about, What actually I want to achieve....

Is there any standard way to achieve this?


You can do the whole stuff manually. Or use a prebuilt library called ShowcaseView.

You'll find details, code and guide here


Here is my suggestion

  1. Get the semi-transparent images of manual pages. Keep the Images in your res/drawable.
  2. Use sharedpreference to maintain the status whether this manual is shown to user on startup or not (Depending on your requirement). Check the status when the app is launched, to decide whether to show this to user or bypass it.
  3. Use a fragment or Activity to display this manual images in sequence one after another. for this you can use viewpager, swipe animation or simple buttons.


just use one Gallery view and skip button on it.Show that gallery on the first installation.For that you can set flag value in sharedpreference.Also shows a button for virtrual tour in Left drawer,

