How to call WinAPI function SetDllDirectory() in Delphi?

无人久伴 提交于 2019-12-04 07:59:00

This should do the trick:

function SetDllDirectory(lpPathName:PWideChar): Bool; stdcall; external 'kernel32.dll' name 'SetDllDirectoryW';

Calling SetDllDirectory('') doesn't work? I see that it is declared properly in the latest versions of Windows.pas. If you have a version of Delphi in which it isn't declared, you can upgrade to the latest version of Delphi, or declare it yourself.

Update: And there you go... Jens just posted the declaration.

uses DSiWin32;

if not DSiSetDllDirectory('path') then

DSiSetDllDirectory will also take care of dynamic linking and will fail gracefully on pre-XP SP1 systems.

DSiWin32 is released as a freeware.
