How to integrate PreMake/CMake in a C++ build workflow

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-12-04 07:42:01

Our main development is also done in C++. We use CMake + ANT. VisualStudio on Windows, XCode for Mac and iOS. Some build tools are written in Python.

It works rather smoothly. We have unit and low-level component tests run straight from the build (utilizing CMake's CTest mechanism which we tinkered with slightly - CMake is Open Source). Higher level component and system tests are run via a custom-made framework written in C# (we had a great debate whether to use something off-the-shelf or write our own, in the end we decided that any off-the-shelf framework we get would have to be modified so much that it was worth it to write our own from scratch; I'm still wondering if it was the right decision).

We tie things together with ANT - mostly using <exec> calls at the lowest level, but also utilizing well-established extensions (such as ftp and svn). Our CI runs on Jenkins that ties up into the lower build layers via ANT.
