glossaries package and footnote in LaTeX

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-04 07:40:40

In short, with the glossaries package, you can't get footnotes on the first use for non-acronym glossaries.

However, you can redefine some commands in the preamble (after you \usepackage{glossaries}) to get what you want:


But that will be really fragile.

I think there is an easier way of doing this. Maybe it's new, but


appears to achieve the exact same thing (correct me if I'm wrong). See the glossaries manual, version 2.03, subsection 2.4.1 changing the format of the text.

Unfortunately, it appears commands like \gls or \autoref does not work in those footnotes.

Following is a good technique, to put a footnote stating where the definitions are:

\label{nom} %put this on the page your term appears, so that it can collect page number

\newcommand{\g}{\footnote{For all abbreviations see the glossary on page \pageref{nom}.}}

I've found this from here.
