How to utilize NSLock to prevent a function from firing twice?

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-04 07:06:05

An NSLock is a mutex; it prevents multiple threads from accessing the same resource simultaneously, which is exactly what you want to do here. Once one thread acquires the lock, other threads attempting to acquire the lock will wait until the first thread releases the lock.

You'll want to create a lock and store it somewhere that persists across and between function calls, most likely in an instance variable in this case. To acquire the lock, call its lock method, and to release it, use unlock:

var checkOne = false
var checkTwo = false

//create the lock
let lock = NSLock()

func functionOne(){
    //async stuff
    //acquire the lock
    checkOne = true
    if checkOne == true && checkTwo == true{
        functionThree()//will only run if both functionOne and functionTwo have been completed
    //release the lock

func functionTwo(){
    //async stuff
    checkTwo = true
    if checkOne == true && checkTwo == true{
        functionThree()//will only run if both functionOne and functionTwo have been completed

func functionThree(){

override func viewDidLoad() {


A more "modern" approach is to use a DispatchQueue instead of an NSLock. Dispatch is higher-level than APIs like NSLock and NSThread; instead of directly working with locks and threads, you'll use queues.

A serial dispatch queue works like a checkout line at a store. You submit blocks of code to the queue, and it executes them one at a time in the order they were received. You can also create a concurrent dispatch queue which executes its tasks simultaneously by passing .concurrent to the options parameter of the DispatchQueue initializer.

A serial dispatch queue is an easy way to protect a resource from being accessed by multiple threads at once -- just create a queue for that resource, and put every access to that resource on the queue.

var checkOne = false
var checkTwo = false

//Create a serial dispatch queue
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "name of queue")

func functionOne(){
    //async stuff

    //Add a task to the queue, and execute it synchronously (i.e. wait for it to finish.)
    //You can also use async to execute a task asynchronously,
    //but sync is slightly more efficient unless you need it to be asynchronous.
    queue.sync {
        checkOne = true
        if checkOne == true && checkTwo == true{
            functionThree()//will only run if both functionOne and functionTwo have been completed

func functionTwo(){
    //async stuff
    queue.sync {
        checkTwo = true
        if checkOne == true && checkTwo == true{
           functionThree()//will only run if both functionOne and functionTwo have been completed

func functionThree(){

override func viewDidLoad() {


Another approach using DispatchGroup. More simple, imho.

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    let group = DispatchGroup()

    override func viewDidLoad() {



        group.notify(queue: .global(qos: .default), execute: { [weak self] in

    func functionOne() {
        //async stuff


    func functionTwo() {
        //async stuff


    func functionThree() {