Performance of multiple MapFragments (Android Map API v2)

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-04 05:18:40

You could easily test it but my guess is that it would very much depend on the phone as Maps still is fairly heavy to run.

That said I'd never recommend this kind of user navigation. A map can already be swiped at so why would you add ViewPager swipe as well? This would make a very confusing user experience. If you want to switch between different views/point of interests you should add buttons (overflow menu buttons preferred as in the navigation app) or something similar that helps the user navigate around.

Yes, you definitely would run into performance issues because ViewPager doesn't employ view recycling by default; you can even bloat it with ImageViews let alone MapFragments.

As far as caching and recreating fragments in ViewPager - there's a HorizontalListView lib that'd probably save you the effort as it does support view recycling.
