Convention based binding of constructor string arguments with Ninject

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-04 04:13:26
Austin Thompson

It doesn't look like that kind of convention-based bindings is possible with Ninject right now. I had a similar question here and the suggestion was to make an interface to return the connection string and have that as the parameter. That could be tedious for many different connection strings though.

This is just a thought, but could you have an IConnectionStringProvider<T> that could use reflection to get the name of T and look up the application setting that way? Maybe like this:

public class ConnectionStringProvider<T> : IConnectionStringProvider<T>
    public string Value
        // use reflection to get name of T
        // look up connection string based on the name
        // return the connection string
public class SomeRepository:ISomeRepository
    public SomeRepository(IConnectionStringProvider<SomeRepository> connectionStringProvider)
        this.connectionString = connectionStringProvider.Value;

Also if that doesn't work, you could have a non-generic IConnectionStringProvider that takes a type as the argument:

public class ConnectionStringProvider : IConnectionStringProvider
    public string GetValueFor(Type type)
        // use reflection to get name of type
        // look up connection string based on the name
        // return the connection string
public class SomeRepository:ISomeRepository
    public SomeRepository(IConnectionStringProvider connectionStringProvider)
        this.connectionString = connectionStringProvider.GetValueFor(this.GetType());

If one of these works then they would have the advantage that they should work with any DI container.
