How to pass multiple arguments in processStartInfo?

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-11-26 19:00:49

It is purely a string:

startInfo.Arguments = "-sk server -sky exchange -pe -n CN=localhost -ir LocalMachine -is Root -ic MyCA.cer -sr LocalMachine -ss My MyAdHocTestCert.cer"

Of course, when arguments contain whitespaces you'll have to escape them using \" \", like:

"... -ss \"My MyAdHocTestCert.cer\""

See MSDN for this.

System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo();
startInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Normal;
startInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";
startInfo.Arguments = @"/c -sk server -sky exchange -pe -n CN=localhost -ir LocalMachine -is Root -ic MyCA.cer -sr LocalMachine -ss My MyAdHocTestCert.cer"

use /c as a cmd argument to close cmd.exe once its finish processing your commands

startInfo.Arguments = "/c \"netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=0000000000003ed9cd0c315bbb6dc1c08da5e6 appid={00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF} clientcertnegotiation=enable\"";


startInfo.Arguments = "/c \"makecert -sk server -sky exchange -pe -n CN=localhost -ir LocalMachine -is Root -ic MyCA.cer -sr LocalMachine -ss My MyAdHocTestCert.cer\"";

The /c tells cmd to quit once the command has completed. Everything after /c is the command you want to run (within cmd), including all of the arguments.

For makecert, your startInfo.FileName should be the complete path of makecert (or just makecert.exe if it's in standard path) then the Arguments would be -sk server -sky exchange -pe -n CN=localhost -ir LocalMachine -is Root -ic MyCA.cer -sr LocalMachine -ss My MyAdHocTestCert.cer now I'm bit unfamiliar with how certificate store works, but perhaps you'll need to set startInfo.WorkingDirectory if you're referring the .cer files outside the certificate store
