Having Trouble Getting the UIDocumentBrowserController to open docs in a Document based app

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-03 15:14:00

After four or five hours of work banging my head against this problem, I discovered a simple solution: don't test in the Simulator. I switched to testing on my device and instantly everything started working as advertised.

[I can't speak from experience here, but it may be that the "doesn't work in the Simulator" problem is confined to Sierra, but that the Simulator does work in High Sierra. This would explain why some users see this issue and others don't, and especially why Apple seems blissfully unaware of it in the WWDC video.]

I had exactly the same issue when I was trying to save to NSTemporaryDirectory().

If you instead save to the documents directory ([[[NSFileManager defaultManager] URLsForDirectory:NSDocumentDirectory inDomains:NSUserDomainMask] firstObject]), it appears to work fine!

Update: it looks like this issue is fixed in iOS 11 beta 3, and you can now save newly created documents to NSTemporaryDirectory() correctly.

Here is my current theory.

This error

Error Domain=NSFileProviderInternalErrorDomain Code=1 "The reader is not permitted to access the URL."

shows up when first creating a UIDocument at a new URL using -initWithFileURL. It's basically saying "this URL doesn't exist yet," but in a way that makes it sound more like a permissions issue.

As far as I can tell, it doesn't prevent you from saving, opening, editing, or closing the file. So I think it's just a superfluous error that Apple should have taken out.

I found that the error happens on simulator when LSSupportsOpeningDocumentsInPlace property is set to YES in the info.plist. Turn this property to NO, then it starts working, in my case. On the real device, it works anyway without having error.

Had similar problem, and tried the method for providing a default Core Location in the Schemes settings and it works now. The method was mentioned in this answer: IOS 9 Error Domain=kCLErrorDomain Code=0 "(null)"
