emulating multiple dispatch using S3 for “+” method - possible?

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2019-12-03 08:10:25

You can do it by defining +.a and +.b as the same function. For example:

a <- "a"
class(a) <- "a"
b <- "b"
class(b) <- "b"

`+.a` <- function(e1, e2){
  paste(class(e1), "+", class(e2))
`+.b` <- `+.a`

# [1] "a + a"
# [1] "a + b"
# [1] "b + a"
# [1] "b + b"

# Other operators won't work
# Error in a - a : non-numeric argument to binary operator

If you define Ops.a and Ops.b, it will also define the operation for other operators, which can be accessed by .Generic in the function:

##### Start a new R session so that previous stuff doesn't interfere ####
a <- "a"
class(a) <- "a"
b <- "b"
class(b) <- "b"

Ops.a <- function(e1, e2){
  paste(class(e1), .Generic, class(e2))

Ops.b <- Ops.a

# [1] "a + a"
# [1] "a + b"
# [1] "b + a"
# [1] "b + b"

# Ops covers other operators besides +
# [1] "a - a"
# [1] "a * b"
# [1] "b / b"

Update: one more thing I discovered while playing with this. If you put this in a package, you'll get the "non-numeric argument" error and "incompatible operators" warning. This is because R is only OK with the multiple operators if they are exactly the same object, with the same address in memory -- but somehow in the building and loading of a package, the two functions lose this exact identity. (You can check this by using pryr::address())

One thing I've found that works is to explicitly register the S3 methods when the package is loaded. For example, this would go inside your package:

# Shows the classes of the two objects that are passed in
showclasses <- function(e1, e2) {
  paste(class(e1), "+", class(e2))

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  registerS3method("+", "a", showclasses)
  registerS3method("+", "b", showclasses)

In this case, the two methods point to the exact same object in memory, and it works (though it's a bit of a hack).

Well you cannot use that strategy. It is specifically prohibited as you discovered and documented as so in the help(Ops) page.

"If a method is found for just one argument or the same method is found for both, it is used. If different methods are found, there is a warning about ‘incompatible methods’: in that case or if no method is found for either argument the internal method is used."

So you would need to put all cases into the same method. (Tested and does succeed.)

Ari B. Friedman

What about just calling the operator with the arguments reversed?

Ops.b <- function(e1, e2){
  if (class(e1) == "b" &
        class(e2) == "b")
    print("b & b")
  if (class(e1) =="b" & class(e2)=="a")

But I'd strongly suggest using proper multiple dispatch and thus S4 for this. See Combining S4 and S3 methods in a single function and Adding S4 dispatch to base R S3 generic .
