

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2020-10-10 11:59:10
AWS,Microsoft和Google等云供应商提供了本机安全工具套件。这些工具固然有用,但并不是所有人都能掌握的。 随着云开发的发展,IT团队通常会发现在这些平台上安全地开发和管理工作负载的能力存在差距。最终,填补这些空白是用户的责任。这是开源云安全工具经常派上用场的地方。 流行的开源云安全工具通常是由拥有庞大云经验的大型IT团队的公司开发的,例如Netflix,Capital One和Lyft。团队开始采取这些举措来解决现有工具和服务未涵盖的特定需求,并假设该软件也可以使其他组织受益,并最终将其开源。 这不是一个完整的列表,但是如果您想了解GitHub上最流行的开源云安全工具,这是一个不错的起点。他们中的许多人跨不同的云环境工作,而其他人则专门设计用于与AWS结合使用,AWS仍然是使用最广泛的公共云。查看这些安全工具以了解可见性,主动测试和事件响应。 Cloud Custodian Cloud Custodian是一个无状态规则引擎,用于管理AWS,Microsoft Azure和Google Cloud Platform(GCP)环境。它通过统一的报告和指标将组织使用的许多合规性脚本整合到一个工具中。使用Cloud Custodian,您可以设置规则,以根据安全性和合规性标准以及成本优化准则检查环境。 用YAML编写的Cloud

D3 cartography: lon/lat circles in wrong place on map (projection)

不想你离开。 提交于 2020-05-26 09:08:46
问题 I have a question about D3 cartography. I am working on a little project and I am new to D3. I have started out from this example: Instead of the showing the state-mesh, I would like to show circles on the map in certain locations (lon/lat). I am currently facing a problem that the circles are not on the correct spots on the map. I suspect the problem lies in the special projection that Mike uses. He uses a 1x1 square projection. Probably this is necessary

D3 cartography: lon/lat circles in wrong place on map (projection)

烈酒焚心 提交于 2020-05-26 09:07:29
问题 I have a question about D3 cartography. I am working on a little project and I am new to D3. I have started out from this example: Instead of the showing the state-mesh, I would like to show circles on the map in certain locations (lon/lat). I am currently facing a problem that the circles are not on the correct spots on the map. I suspect the problem lies in the special projection that Mike uses. He uses a 1x1 square projection. Probably this is necessary

using cartogram.js for visualizing information in a global map

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-24 01:44:55
问题 I'm trying to adapt this example to show information about obesity in 2002, 2005 and 2010 around the world. This the visualization: with a link to the code in the same page. The problem I'm trying to resolve is that the shapes are not being distorted like in the original example with the alberusa projection. The colors seems to be mapped just fine but for some reason I can't distort the map. I tried changing the scale

D3js: Automatic labels placement to avoid overlaps? (force repulsion)

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-17 05:37:30
问题 How to apply force repulsion on map's labels so they find their right places automatically ? Bostock' "Let's Make a Map" Mike Bostock's Let's Make a Map (screenshot below). By default, labels are put at the point's coordinates and polygons/multipolygons's path.centroid(d) + a simple left or right align, so they frequently enter in conflict. Handmade label placements One improvement I met requires to add an human made IF fixes, and to add as many as needed, such : .attr("dy", function(d){ if(d

Show admin labels for only one country via CartoCSS in Mapbox Studio

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-11 04:13:32
问题 I'd like to show admin labels for only one country on a map of Latin America. I'm new to CartoCSS and can't figure it out. I tried inspecting the labels and couldn't discern any hierarchy in the OSM ids that might help. 来源:

How to create a store map using LeafLet

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-04 13:29:15
问题 Im looking to create a map that can be interactive. The best option that I found is leaflet, the thing is I don't find any resource explaining how to create my own map. Im looking to create a mall map where user can see all the stores, fountain ... How could I achieve that ? 回答1: The best place to start would be the Leaflet examples page: Here is the quick start guide: Update To create an indoor map, you can use

How to create a store map using LeafLet

佐手、 提交于 2019-12-03 08:41:35
Im looking to create a map that can be interactive. The best option that I found is leaflet, the thing is I don't find any resource explaining how to create my own map. Im looking to create a mall map where user can see all the stores, fountain ... How could I achieve that ? The best place to start would be the Leaflet examples page: Here is the quick start guide: Update To create an indoor map, you can use tools such as QGis and Mapbox Studio to build the map and generate the map tiles(used for web). Then you

D3js: Automatic labels placement to avoid overlaps? (force repulsion)

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-11-26 21:33:05
How to apply force repulsion on map's labels so they find their right places automatically ? Bostock' "Let's Make a Map" Mike Bostock's Let's Make a Map (screenshot below). By default, labels are put at the point's coordinates and polygons/multipolygons's path.centroid(d) + a simple left or right align, so they frequently enter in conflict. Handmade label placements One improvement I met requires to add an human made IF fixes, and to add as many as needed, such : .attr("dy", function(d){ if("Berlin") {return ".9em"} }) The whole become increasingly dirty as the number of