Failures in “Pre-Launch report” in Google Play Developer Console in Google VR startup

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-03 07:46:35


I've been working on a game using Google VR in Unity3d and I recently updated my version of unity3d and the (built in) Google VR SDK to the latest version. After doing so the pre-launch report (automated testing on firebase) is showing crashes, during the unity splash screen, on 5 out of 6 devices.

This is the issue that is reported:

Issue: Crash of app running instrumentation ComponentInfo{}

Not very helpful, it looks like a generic unit test result if the app closes unexpectedly . I've looked through the logs and cant find anything unusual from my app or unity, but I did find something. It looks to me like this may be being caused by the test script itself:

10-27 01:54:54.494: I/ViewInteraction(19677): Performing 'single click' action on view (with class name: is "android.widget.ImageButton" and with id: ...............

This to me, looks like the test runner is exploring the app UI and the first thing it does is click the "back" button. Which I would expect to close the app. I also tried using Firebase directly, which seemed to confirm it:

Firebase Activity Map

Does that seem likely that this is just a bug/red herring caused by changes to unity/GVR Or even firebase? Has anyone else experienced this?

I just don't want to release it if it really is crashing on so many devices!

Many Thanks


I asked Google Play Support about this and they got back to me.

They have confirmed that the issue is caused by a new crawler used by the Pre-Launch report. Details can be found here under the section "Pre-launch report versions"

They've escalated the issue and have also provided a workaround:

  1. Sign in to your Play Console.
  2. Select an app.
  3. Select Release management > Pre-launch report > Settings.
  4. In the “Pre-launch report version” section, move the Opt-out switch to the right until it turns blue.

I haven't verified this yet but will mark as answer once I have.


I have tested this and all the tests pass again so this looks like a good solution for now.


We got this when uploading our APK as well. It started October 27th and crashed the following 4 days until we changed our setup. I couldn't see anything in our code base that should trigger this problem, so I wonder if it's related to changes on Google's side.

However, we did just did two changes and now everything's working again.

We added the following line to proguard-project.txt:

-keep class android.arch.** { *; }

I assume this was what fixed it.

At the same time we changed the compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion to 27 (and correspondingly all belonging support libs). For all I know they could have fixed it here too..


To more directly answer your question: Yes, it does seem likely that this is just a bug/red herring, not on Unity's side, but in Firebase Test Lab or in Google's support lib. I tested the APK that failed the pre-launch tests and it worked just fine on my device.

