How to implement polymorphic JPA entities with generic relations

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-03 07:15:51


I'm trying to use JPA 2.0 to create polymorphic entities with generic relations. There should be two tables, an event table and a notification table. Inside those table are concrete entities that are related to one another, like so:

Event  <---------- Notification<X extends Event>
 |                      |
LoginEvent <------ LoginNotification extends Notification<LoginEvent>

Logically this should be possible in hibernate, as it is possible in SQL:

+----------+    +----------+
| Event    |    | Notif    |
+----------+    +----------+
|          |    | Id       |
| Id       | <- | Evt_id   |
| Type     | <- | Type     |
| ...      |    | ...      |
+----------+    +----------+

This is what I have:

public abstract class Event{


public class LoginEvent extends Event{


public abstract class Notification<X extends Event>{

 @ManyToOne(optional=false, targetEntity=Event.class)
 private X event;


public class LoginNotification extends Notification<LoginEvent>{


Using this code, I can persist and fetch any Event, Notification, LoginEvent, or NotificationEvent, but it falls down when I try to use the LoginNotification_.event relation in my JPA 2.0 metamodel queries. This issue explains something similar.

public static volatile SingularAttribute<NotificationEntity, EventEntity> event;

When I try to do a join in a criteria query, I get an error:

EntityManager em = getEntityManager();
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<LoginNotification> query = cb.createQuery(LoginNotification.class);
Root<LoginNotification> root = query.from(LoginNotification.class);

//  This line complains: Type mismatch: cannot convert from
//  Join<LoginNotification,Event> to Join<LoginNotification,LoginEvent>
Join<LoginNotification, LoginEvent> join = 
root.join(LoginNotification_.event, JoinType.INNER);

I can get around this error, by adding a new SingularAttribute to the LoginNotification_ metamodel, but this fails in execution:

public abstract class LoginNotification_ extends Notification_ {

    // Adding this Removes Type mismatch error, but causes run-time error
    public static volatile SingularAttribute<LoginNotification, LoginEvent> event; 


According to some posts, generic relations won't work (How to handle JPA annotations for a pointer to a generic interface), but by using a @ManyToOne(optional=false, targetEntity=Event.class) annotation, we can get them to behave. Unfortunately, the generics seem to break the JPA criteria query.

Are there any suggestions on how I can perform this lookup? I can use LoginNotification.getEvent() in my code, but I cannot use LoginNotification_.event in my JPA metamodel joins. What's the alternative to using generics to accomplish this?

@Pascal Thivent - Can you answer this?


One solution to this is to avoid using the 'join' function and do a full cross join instead:

EntityManager em = getEntityManager();
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<LoginNotification> query = cb.createQuery(LoginNotification.class);
Root<LoginNotification> notfRoot = query.from(LoginNotification.class);
Root<LoginEvent> eventRoot = query.from(LoginEvent.class);
query.where(cb.equals(notfRoot.get(Notification_.event), eventRoot.get(, ...(other criteria));

I would assume that a decent query optimizer should make short work of this, but if anyone has any insight on the efficiency of this approach I would be keen to hear it!


I've tried you code for generic, @logan .

But I finally found the simplest way is let T implements Serializable

public class IgsSubject extends BasicObject implements Serializable{

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -5387429446192609471L;

