Idea: Conditional Chrome theme based on environment [closed]

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-03 05:24:50
Rob W

Themes are not dynamic, so the solution is not straightforward.
It's possible to create the feature using the management API. At least three extension are needed:

  • The main extension for switching themes.
  • Theme #1, theme #2 etc (an extra extension for every additional theme).

How to

  1. Create a theme - See the Chrome themes documentation.
  2. Bind a chrome.tabs.onUpdated event to listen for tab changes, and possibly save the state of known "theme-tabs" in a hash (by tabId). Don't forget to remove the tabId when the tab's URI is not "special" any more, using the delete operator.
  3. Create another extension, with a background script.
    Add a chrome.tabs.onActivated Warning: See below event, to listen for tab changes. This event is passed a windowId and tabId. Use the hash, created in step 2, to check whether the theme has to be changed or not.
  4. If the URL matches a certain pattern, activate the new theme using the method.

Alternative approach for step 3-4: Use Content scripts to call a method the background page. The match patterns can then be set in the manifest file, at the "content_scripts", "matches" section.

Warning: The onActivated event was not supported prior Chrome 18. Before Chrome 18, the event was called onActiveChanged.

The extension as described in steps 2-4 requires the following permissions:

My solution is to use PHP to detect what server I am connected to and then update Administrative screens of my application (WordPress, Drupal etc.) with a specific color. You could also display a color bar at the top of local and staging sites as well.

Here is what I do for WordPress admin screens:

// determine if this is development, staging or production environment
if (strpos(home_url(),'http://localhost') !== false)   
    define('MY_ENVIRONMENT', 'DEV');
else if (strpos(home_url(),'<enter staging URL here>') !== false)
    define('MY_ENVIRONMENT', 'STAGE');
    define('MY_ENVIRONMENT', 'PROD');

And then I used this to show specific colors in WordPress admin screen:

function change_admin_color($result) {
  return (MY_ENVIRONMENT== 'PROD' ? 'sunrise' : (MY_ENVIRONMENT== 'STAGE' ? 'ocean' : 'fresh'));