Is there a good scripting Pascal-like language for Delphi?

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-03 03:14:46

Try the dwscript library which is currently maintained by Eric Grange.

The Jedi JVCL also includes TJvInterpreter which is a very lightweight (small) interpreter, but with much more limited features than dwscript.

For very small (User entered formulas, or simple string and numeric processing tasks) JvInterpreter has worked quite well for me.

Few years ago I used to work with Pax Compiler in combination with this Forms Editor.

FastScript from FastReport (stack does not allow to give a link). Includes PascalScript, C++Script, JScript and BasicScript. PascalScript seems to be exactly what you ask for.

Try embedding Lua. See Lua 5.1 for Delphi for instance.
