Apache mod_speling case insensitive URLs issue

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-03 01:46:06

TLDR: CheckCaseOnly is broken due to a bug that has remained unfixed for over six years as of 10/2014.

I know this is an old question, but I just ran into the same issue. This update is to help others with the same issue.

The current answers to this question are incorrect, as the OP is using mod_speling correctly, but there is a bug.


The underlying issue is that the apache people are in disagreement over fixing this behavior because it changes the rest of the module. This has remained unfixed for something like 6 years.


To enable mod_speling (either by Location or VirtualHost) use the directive:

CheckSpelling On

If all you want is case insensitivity use:

CheckCaseOnly On

You also need to have RewriteEngine enabled:

RewriteEngine On

On Ubuntu 12.04 LTS using Apache 2.2, I did the following:

  1. Create speling.conf in ${APACHE}/mods-available to provide the config options.

    <IfModule mod_speling.c>
        CheckSpelling On
        CheckCaseOnly On
  2. Link speling.conf and speling.load into the enabled modules directory ${APACHE}/mods-enabled:

    # cd ../mods-enabled
    # ln -s ../mods-available/speling.conf speling.conf
    # ln -s ../mods-available/speling.load speling.load
  3. Restart the server.

    # service restart apache2

Do you really want case insensitive URL?
Why not just force lowercase urls, like this?

RewriteEngine On
RewriteMap lc int:tolower
RewriteRule (.*) ${lc:$1} [R]

Have a look at http://www.issociate.de/board/post/265865/make_URL

After reading user1647075's answer about this being a known Apache bug that's unlikely to be fixed, I decided my best option was to hide the "multiple options" page from the user by updating my Apache config to show the 404 error page for 300 status codes:

ErrorDocument 300 /404.htm

Of course, you can also create a custom error page instead of reusing the 404 error page.

Hope this workaround helps.
