Deleting using ormlite on android?

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-12-03 01:34:17

ORMLite does not support cascading deletes @Majid. That is currently outside of what it considers to be "lite". If you delete the city then you need to delete the clients by hand.

One way to ensure this would be to have a CityDao class that overrides the delete() method and issues the delete through the ClientDao at the same time. Something like:

public class CityDao extends BaseDaoImpl<City, Integer> {
    private ClientDao clientDao;
    public CityDao(ConnectionSource cs, ClientDao clientDao) {
        super(cs, City.class);
        this.clientDao = clientDao;
    public int delete(City city) {
        // first delete the clients that match the city's id
        DeleteBuilder db = clientDao.deleteBuilder();
        db.where().eq("city_id", city.getId());
        // then call the super to delete the city
        return super.delete(city);
Benjamin Carroll

To implement cascading while using ORMLite on Android you need to enable foreign key restraints as described here:

(API level > 16)

public void onOpen(SQLiteDatabase db){
    if (!db.isReadOnly()){

For API level < 16 please read: Foreign key constraints in Android using SQLite? on Delete cascade

Then use columnDefinition annotation to define cascading deletes. Ex:

@DatabaseField(foreign = true,
columnDefinition = "integer references my_table(id) on delete cascade")
private MyTable table;

This is assuming the table/object name is "my_table", as described here: Creating foreign key constraints in ORMLite under SQLite
