hostapd repeating “deauthenticated due to local deauth request”

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-02 22:30:29

Answering the question I put a bounty on... for me it turned out to be a lack of entropy, cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail gave 156 while it should be >2000. Installing haveged (apt-get install haveged) solved the issue for me, entropy always >2k, and link has been up and running for a full day now.

edit: it would be nice for downvoters to comment why this is a bad answer.

Same here! Looking a little bit deeper showed that in my configuration the key exchange seems to be a problem: setting wpa_group_rekey=10 in hostapd.conf increases probability of the deauth requests. Also channel selection influences probability.

So my current solution are the following entries in hostapd.conf:



My configuration is as follows:

  • raspbian testing
  • kernel 4.1.15
  • hostapd 2.3
  • WLAN Ralink RT5370

This is actually a hack, because it just reduces probability.

On the other hand it allows to increase likelihood of the problem to investigate further ;-)
