How to detect illegal UTF-8 byte sequences to replace them in java inputstream?

余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-02 21:51:15

java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder does what you need. This class provides charset decoding with user-definable actions on different kinds of errors (see onMalformedInput() and onUnmappableCharacter()).

CharsetDecoder writes to an OutputStream, which you can pipe into an InputStream using, effectively creating a filtered InputStream.

One way would be to read the first few bytes to check Byte Order Mark (if exists). More information on BOM: In the given url, you will find a table of the BOM bytes. However, one problem is, UTF-8 does not require to use BOM in its' header. There is another way to solve the problem is by pattern recognition (read few bytes-8 bits each time). Anyway, this is the complicated solution..

The behaviour you want is already the default for InputStreamReader. So there is no need to specify it yourself. This suffices:

final BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(istream);
final Reader inputReader = new InputStreamReader(in, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);