How to configure AspectJ with Load Time Weaving without Interface

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-02 15:59:15

If I'm not mistaken, the issue here is not due to AspectJ, but rather to the way things work in the precise JUnit use case. When running your test, the MyServiceImplTest class is loaded first, before the Spring context was created (you need the test class' annotations to get the appropriate runner and config locations), hence before any Spring AOP mechanism was leveraged. That is, at least, the explanation I came up with when I faced the very same situation a few months ago... Since the javaagent is there from the JVM startup on, one would have to fully read/understand the weaver's code to precisely explain why it fails here (I didn't :p).

So anyway, the MyServiceImplTest type, along with all its member's types, which are loaded with it - this goes for types in method signatures as well -, cannot be woven.

To work around this:

  • either avoid using the woven types in the test class members and methods signature (e.g. using interfaces like you did)
  • or add the AspectJ weaver to your javaagents (in addition to the spring-instrument one); with this, if I recall correctly, Spring should be able to get its AOP-based mechanisms to work properly:

    -javaagent:/maven-2_local_repo/org/aspectj/aspectjweaver/1.7.0/aspectjweaver-1.7.0.jar -javaagent:/maven-2_local_repo/org/springframework/spring-instrument/3.0.5.RELEASE/spring-instrument-3.0.5.RELEASE.jar

Nota: in your META-INF/aop.xml, it may be necessary to add the -Xreweavable weaver option.

First of all , if you are using maven, set your pom.xml:


Then you have had to compile your code using the aspectj compiler. This compiler generate an aop.xml file in META-INF/aop.xml

(I'm using eclipse sts) After that, I want to run a Junit test. So you have to set your VM args in the eclipse run configuration window: -javaagent:${ASPECTJ_WEAVER_1.7}\aspectjweaver-1.7.0.jar -javaagent:${SPRING_INSTRUMENT}\spring-instrument-3.1.2.RELEASE.jar

where ${ASPECTJ_WEAVER_1.7} ${SPRING_INSTRUMENT} are an environtment var. Use the var button to create these vars (is located at bottom right of the window). These vars target to the folders where the aspectjweaver-1.7.0.jar and spring-instrument-3.1.2.RELEASE.jar are located. Follow the asistant to make this. It's not difficult. Take care that the previous javaagent lines haven't any invisible strange character or similar. It's sound strange but I had to rewrite several times the same line until eclipse said that this line is fine.

Then, you can run your Junit test. The first you can see is aspectj runtime loading. Later you will see spring loading... and after that your test will run is haven't got any spring problem or similar. This is a heavy process.

I hope this information can help you

