How do I fix this ArgumentNullException in int.Parse?

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-02 04:32:18

Read the stack trace, it says the method of Parse was passed a parameter of null, but it cannot be null. Try splitting the read line and the parsing, and then making sure the line is not null or empty.

public class HelloWorld
    static public void Main ()
    Console.WriteLine("Enter a number");
    String input = Console.ReadLine();
    int UserNumber = 0;
    if(input != null && input != "")
        UserNumber = int.Parse(input);

    Console.WriteLine("Your number is: " + UserNumber);

Splitting up code like this makes it easier to read and easier to debug.

I bet you're using a C# -> Mac -> Xamarin.Mac project. By default, these programs don't use an interactive console, which you're trying to use when you call Console.ReadLine().

Try creating a new solution; pick C# -> Console Project instead to have the interactive console working.
