WriteFile returning error 1784

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-02 00:30:23

My guess is that FileData is not large enough for you to write i * 1024 bytes from it. Is i the loop control variable for your list of files? If so, you need the write buffer FileData to grow 1K at a time as you loop through your files.

This is an unusual construct. Are you sure the logic is correct here? Post more code (specifically, all usage of FileData and i) for better accuracy in the answers.

Note that you should not always be checking GetLastError here - you need to check WriteFile's return code before you rely on that being meaningful. Otherwise you could be picking up an error from some unrelated part of your code - whatever failed last.


I got a Error = 1784 and it was because I opened the file without specifying the size of records and then did block reads on the file.

Reset( FileHandle );

Should be

Reset( FileHandle, 1 );