How to use Apache POI in OSGi

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-01 23:41:57

We use Gradle with bnd-platform to build OSGi bundles for our applications based on Maven dependencies. No sure if this is "the good way", but this is how we build the target platform for our OSGi based applications, Apache POI being part of that. It's especially useful in cases where you have to do adaptions to bundles (e.g. make JUnit optional) or merge JARs (e.g. due to classloading issues in OSGi) to make them work.

I set up an example build with an Apache POI bundle (and implicitly, its POM-defined dependencies) on GitHub. You can clone it (sample-poi branch) and try it running ./gradlew clean bundles. Created bundles will be in build/plugins.

Please note that any optional Maven dependencies will not be included by default and have to be added manually to the build, if you need them (due to limitations in Gradle).

Ivory Blakley

I don't have a working example of this work around but this bit of documentation may be helpful to you.

Can POI be used with OSGI?

Starting with POI 3.16 there's a workaround for OSGIs context classloader handling, i.e. it replaces the threads current context classloader with an implementation of limited class view. This will lead to IllegalStateExceptions, as xmlbeans can't find the xml schema definitions in this reduced view. The workaround is to initialize the classloader delegate of POIXMLTypeLoader , which defaults to the current thread context classloader. The initialization should take place before any other OOXML related calls. The class in the example could be any class, which is part of the poi-ooxml-schema or ooxml-schema: POIXMLTypeLoader.setClassLoader(CTTable.class.getClassLoader());
