
Zip Codes from Lat/Lon (batch query) [duplicate]

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2021-01-05 13:14:49
问题 This question already has answers here : Convert lat/lon to zipcode / neighborhood name (5 answers) Closed 5 years ago . I have a data.frame with 1500 latitude/longitude entries. I need to map these coordinates to their zip codes. Is there a way to do this besides entering them in one at a time to a geonames -type api? I would like a package in R that takes in a lat-lon combo and produces a zip code for every row of my data.frame. 回答1: Using the Open Streetmap API, you could try library(RCurl

Zip Codes from Lat/Lon (batch query) [duplicate]

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2021-01-05 13:14:41
问题 This question already has answers here : Convert lat/lon to zipcode / neighborhood name (5 answers) Closed 5 years ago . I have a data.frame with 1500 latitude/longitude entries. I need to map these coordinates to their zip codes. Is there a way to do this besides entering them in one at a time to a geonames -type api? I would like a package in R that takes in a lat-lon combo and produces a zip code for every row of my data.frame. 回答1: Using the Open Streetmap API, you could try library(RCurl

Regular expression for Dutch zip / postal code

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2020-11-30 06:28:40
问题 I'm trying to build a regular expression in javascript to validate a Dutch zipcode. The zipcode should contain 4 numbers, then optionally a space and then 2 (case insensitive) letters Valid values: 1001aa 1001Aa 1001 AA I now have this, but it does not work: var rege = /^([0-9]{4}[ ]+[a-zA-Z]{2})$/; 回答1: Edited to handle no leading 0 requirement for Dutch postal codes, and to eliminate matches for SS, SA, and SD. This should do it all for you. Final regex: var rege = /^[1-9][0-9]{3} ?(?!sa|sd

vue-element(5)el-form 组件 检校数字

柔情痞子 提交于 2020-03-08 12:41:30
假设,有一个输入(el-input)的邮编必须是数字的需求。 <el-form-item prop="zipCode" label="邮编 :"> <el-input placeholder="请输入邮编" maxlength="6" v-model="trafficForm.zipCode"> </el-input> </el-form-item> zipCode: [ {required: true, message: '请输入邮编', trigger: 'blur'}, { type: 'number', message: '必须为数字值'} ], 为什么会出现如上错误呢?? 因为对于数字类型的校验,需要在 v-model 处加上 .number 的修饰符,这是 Vue 自身提供的用于将绑定值转化为 number 类型的修饰符。 <el-form-item prop="zipCode" label="邮编 :"> <el-input placeholder="请输入邮编" maxlength="6" v-model.number="trafficForm.zipCode"> </el-input> </el-form-item> 来源: CSDN 作者: JonesZon 链接:


余生长醉 提交于 2020-03-07 15:29:52
---方法区内存:在类加载的时候,class字节码代码段被加载到该内存空间中 ---栈内存(局部变量):方法代码段片段执行的时候,会给该方法分配内存空间,在栈内存中压栈,执行完毕之后释放内存空间,做弹栈操作. ---堆内存(实例变量):new的对象在堆内存中存储. 方法内存分析 public class Hello { public static void main(String[] args) { int a = 100; int b = 200; int res = sum(a, b); System.out.println(res); } public static int sum(int i,int j) { int result = i + j; int num = 3; int res2 = devide(result, num); return res2; } public static int devide(int x,int y) { int z; z = x / y; return z; } } 运行结果: 对象内存分析 public class Hello2 { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO 自动生成的方法存根 Student stu = new Student(); System.out

Entity Framework实例详解

旧街凉风 提交于 2020-02-17 23:29:44
Entity Framework Code First的默认行为是使用一系列约定将POCO类映射到表。然而,有时候,不能也不想遵循这些约定,那就需要重写它们。重写默认约定有两种方式:Data Annotations和FluentAPI。Data Annotations在功能上是Fluent API的子集,在一些映射场景下使用Annotations不能达到重写的目的,因此本篇文章中使用Fluent API配置属性。 一、Fluent API配置属性 Code First Fluent API通常情况下是在DbContext的派生类中重写OnModelCreating方法。 1.配置Length Length用来描述数组的长度,当前包括string和Byte数组。 默认约定:Code First对string或byte数组的默认长度约定是max。注意:Sql Server Compact中默认最大数组长度是4000。 重写约定:使用HasMaxLength(nn),参数为可空整数。 1: Property(t => t.Name).HasMaxLength(50); 另外关于Length的Fluent API还有下面2个: IsFixedLength(),配置属性为固定长度。 IsMaxLength(),配置属性为数据库提供程序允许的最大长度。 2.配置Data Type Data


好久不见. 提交于 2020-02-16 07:05:49
1.合理使用索引 索引是数据库中重要的数据结构,它的根本目的就是为了提高查询效率。现在大多数的数据库产品都采用IBM最先提出的ISAM索引结构。索引的使用要恰到好处,其使用原则如下: ●在经常进行连接,但是没有指定为外键的列上建立索引,而不经常连接的字段则由优化器自动生成索引。 ●在频繁进行排序或分组(即进行group by或order by操作)的列上建立索引。 ●在条件表达式中经常用到的不同值较多的列上建立检索,在不同值少的列上不要建立索引。比如在雇员表的“性别”列上只有“男”与“女”两个不同值,因此就无必要建立索引。如果建立索引不但不会提高查询效率,反而会严重降低更新速度。 ●如果待排序的列有多个,可以在这些列上建立复合索引(compound index)。 ●使用系统工具。如Informix数据库有一个tbcheck工具,可以在可疑的索引上进行检查。在一些数据库服务器上,索引可能失效或者因为频繁操作而使得读取效率降低,如果一个使用索引的查询不明不白地慢下来,可以试着用tbcheck工具检查索引的完整性,必要时进行修复。另外,当数据库表更新大量数据后,删除并重建索引可以提高查询速度。 2.避免或简化排序 应当简化或避免对大型表进行重复的排序。当能够利用索引自动以适当的次序产生输出时,优化器就避免了排序的步骤。以下是一些影响因素: ●索引中不包括一个或几个待排序的列;

Map zip codes to their respective city and state in R?

我们两清 提交于 2020-02-04 01:48:07
问题 I have a data frame of zip codes that I'm looking to map to a city & state for each specific zip code. Currently, I have played around with the zipcode package a bit but I'm not sure that can solve this specific issue. Here's sample data of what I have now: str(all_key$zip) chr [1:406] "43031" "24517" "43224" "43832" "53022" "60185" "84104" "43081" "85226" "85193" "54656" "43215" "94533" "95826" "64804" "49548" "54467" The expected output would be adding a city & state column to each row of

How to display different pages based upon form input value (ie: zip code)? jQuery or .PHP

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2020-01-26 04:02:05
问题 Is there a jQuery, javascript, or .php script that would allow me to display different pages based upon a list of zip codes? For example, if the user enters a zip code within a list of 'valid' zips then pageA.php would display, if not then pageB.php would be displayed. These zip code values could be manually listed out, or be contained within a .csv file, whatever is easiest. The page displayed after input would be based upon user input like: <input name="zipcode" id="zipcode" type="text" />

Find all Zipcodes within specified distance of a zipcode

眉间皱痕 提交于 2020-01-22 02:37:06
问题 I know this question sounds like a repeat of few questions here, but none of those questions answered what i wanted. I am interested in knowing if someone know how to find other zipcodes within the radius of a specified zipcode. I have the zipcode database with me with latitudes n longitudes but am not sure how to do this in e.g - 90069 is a zipcode and if someone says 5 miles radius then i want all the zipcodes like 90210,90045,90034 etc to pop up. Code samples shall be greatly