
How to avoid XOP generation in CXF - behaviour changed between 3.3.2 and 3.3.4

岁酱吖の 提交于 2020-08-10 19:15:25
问题 This issue involves recent CXF change (3.3.2->3.3.4). We are sending a SOAP request to our partner with image contents On TomEE 8.0.0 (CXF 3.3.2), the SOAP request generated doesn't include XOP generation : <ns3:Picture> <ns6:Image> <ns6:StorageFormat>JPG</ns6:StorageFormat> <ns6:Length>13286</ns6:Length> <ns6:Buffer>/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAAEAlgCWAAD//gAfTE (...) VBRCB=</ns6:Buffer> </ns6:Image> </ns3:Picture> <ns3:Signature> <ns6:Image> <ns6:StorageFormat>TIF</ns6:StorageFormat> <ns6:Length>700<

How to avoid XOP generation in CXF - behaviour changed between 3.3.2 and 3.3.4

痴心易碎 提交于 2020-08-10 19:15:07
问题 This issue involves recent CXF change (3.3.2->3.3.4). We are sending a SOAP request to our partner with image contents On TomEE 8.0.0 (CXF 3.3.2), the SOAP request generated doesn't include XOP generation : <ns3:Picture> <ns6:Image> <ns6:StorageFormat>JPG</ns6:StorageFormat> <ns6:Length>13286</ns6:Length> <ns6:Buffer>/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAAEAlgCWAAD//gAfTE (...) VBRCB=</ns6:Buffer> </ns6:Image> </ns3:Picture> <ns3:Signature> <ns6:Image> <ns6:StorageFormat>TIF</ns6:StorageFormat> <ns6:Length>700<

Set EXPAND_XOP_INCLUDE for WSS4JOutInterceptor in apache cxf 3.0.X

久未见 提交于 2020-03-18 10:01:20
问题 i want to avoid the automatic generation of the xop included from apache cxf (version 3.0.4) when set MTOM ENABLE to true how can i do that? for example, i have a soap service . it support the mtom but not the xop include annotation , so it refused my request: <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <SOAP-ENV:Header xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"/> <soap:Body> <ns2:receiveSip xmlns:ns2="http://sip.receive.core.iris.eng.it" xmlns:xmime

HTTP POST request and headers with MIME attachments multipart/related and xop?

不问归期 提交于 2020-01-13 18:54:26
问题 I'm trying to upload a bulk data exchange call to eBay using their FileTransfer API. In order to do this, I've got to POST an xml request string to the eBay server but the xml request contains a <Data> section that must include the data you're transferring( in this case it's a base64 encoded zipfile containing another xml document). eBay gives an example in C# of how to construct such a document: https://ebay.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1561 I've been trying to recreate this example

WSE 3.0 - Byte array being encoded as Base64 and not “MTOM-ing” to binary

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2020-01-04 04:40:37
问题 I have a couple of other questions on here surrounding this area but they are a bit redundant now. Any answers to them would also be appreciated but this question is my main concern at the minute. I have followed lots of examples of how MTOM/XOP works in WSE 3.0 and have set up my project exactly as it seems is required. I have a Byte array field that is designated as DataType:-base64Binary. In this I put the Byte array of the attachment I want to add. When I run the application and check the

WCF client talking to Java WS, exception: The content type application/xop+xml; type=“application/soap+xml” of the response message

心已入冬 提交于 2019-12-23 09:33:45
问题 I'm having problems talking to Java WS. I'm using "wsHttpBinding" binding with client certificates for authentication, message encoding is set "Text", .net framework is 4.0. Server side is Java and I have no control over it. Connection is being proxied through Fiddler (this is how I see requests on the wire, much more user friendly than tracing "System.Net"). Exception I get is following: The content type application/xop+xml; type="application/soap+xml" of the response message does not match

Manually Parse MTOM Message

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-10 11:36:16
问题 I have below mtom response as string --uuid:6b6fab3b-c481-4648-9eb5-8690096eb54d Content-Type: application/xop+xml; charset=UTF-8; type="application/soap+xml"; Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary Content-ID: <root.message@cxf.apache.org> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"><soap:Body><ns2:receiveDocumentFileResponse xmlns:ns2="http://webservice.edefter.gib.gov.tr/"><return><fileName>GIB-XXXX-201512-KB-000000.zip</fileName><binaryData><xop:Include xmlns:xop="http:

Building large MTOM/XOP messages with JAX-WS

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2019-12-03 13:21:22
问题 I have a question about using MTOM/XOP with JAX-WS. I'm writing a web service which sends large amounts of binary data. The client requests a number of files and the server returns the files in the response. I'm able to get it to build the response correctly so that it correctly implements XOP, but I run into memory-related issues becasuse it stores the entire response in memory before sending it. The files this web service sends can get very large (like, giga-bytes large), so storing the

Building large MTOM/XOP messages with JAX-WS

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-03 03:30:48
I have a question about using MTOM/XOP with JAX-WS. I'm writing a web service which sends large amounts of binary data. The client requests a number of files and the server returns the files in the response. I'm able to get it to build the response correctly so that it correctly implements XOP, but I run into memory-related issues becasuse it stores the entire response in memory before sending it. The files this web service sends can get very large (like, giga-bytes large), so storing the response in memory is not an option. This Oracle website (and along with this one ) seems to solve this

Parse/deserialize MTOM/XOP Data .NET

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 00:48:01
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 由 翻译 强力驱动 问题: How can I parse/deserialize a MTOM / XOP response that I get from a web service using WCF? I have the response on disk. I have copied the response below: Date : Wed , 02 May 2012 09 : 38 : 57 GMT Server : Microsoft - IIS / 6.0 P3P : CP = "BUS CUR CONo FIN IVDo ONL OUR PHY SAMo TELo" X - Powered - By : ASP . NET X - AspNet - Version : 4.0 . 30319 X - WindowsLive - Hydra : H : BLU165 - ds6 V : 16.3 . 133.328 D : 2012 - 03 - 29T02 : 31 : 31 X - Response - Time : 78.1245 X - TransactionID : d491414e - 46fd - 47b2 - 82ce - e9cea9f564aa