
Graphics Card and XNA 4.0

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2020-06-22 08:28:18
问题 I create a new project in xna 4.0 for windows. I put it on both Reach and HiDef profile settings in properties. When debugging I get the following error: No suitable graphics card found. Could not find a Direct3D device that supports the XNA Framework HiDef profile. I made sure to select the 'Reach' profile, I still get this error. Graphics card is an intel GM45. It states support of DX10 on their website. Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2Ghz Windows 7 Professional Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate 3GB RAM So

Graphics Card and XNA 4.0

喜你入骨 提交于 2020-06-22 08:27:43
问题 I create a new project in xna 4.0 for windows. I put it on both Reach and HiDef profile settings in properties. When debugging I get the following error: No suitable graphics card found. Could not find a Direct3D device that supports the XNA Framework HiDef profile. I made sure to select the 'Reach' profile, I still get this error. Graphics card is an intel GM45. It states support of DX10 on their website. Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2Ghz Windows 7 Professional Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate 3GB RAM So

Creating XNA AudioEngine on windows game project

岁酱吖の 提交于 2020-01-22 02:51:05
问题 I'm reading this book "Learning XNA 4.0", and in chapter 6 it teaches how to play sounds using XACT Audio files. It asks me to create an AudioEngine object, but I can't find that class.AudioEngine I have the right using statement (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio) and the right reference (microsoft.xna.framework.dll). does anybody have any idea whats wrong? 回答1: This is an error in the documentation. AudioEngine is actually in the Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Xact assembly. Add a reference to that,

How to get the full root directory of a ContentManager in XNA 4.0

徘徊边缘 提交于 2020-01-14 04:50:31
问题 I was wondering if anyone here knows how to find the complete path (from the drive letter onwards) of a ContentManager instance. using this I could create a string with the right number of "..\" to append to the file path when I want to load a file from anywhere else on the computer (eg. from a registry key). So basically I'm asking if there is a way. 回答1: You may just want to use System.GetFolderPath with one of these locations, most likely Program Files. From there, you can navigate to your

XNA draw / paint onto a Texture2D at runtime

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-01-12 07:17:29
问题 Morning all (if its morning where you are) I have been looking around and have not seen a satisfactory method for doing this so thought I would ask around... Ideal world I would like to be able to generate a transparent Texture2D object. Drawing this to the screen I would like to be able to "paint" to it, i.e. when the left mouse button is down whatever pixel the cursor is over should be set to black. Following this I would then need to be able to use this texture. Using the texture is the

how to use skeletal joint to act as cursor using bounds (No gestures)

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2020-01-11 12:56:10
问题 I just want to be able to do something when my skeletal joint (x,y,z) coordinates are over the x,y,z coordinates of the button . . I have the following code but somehow it doesnt work properly . .as soon as my hand moves it will do something without my hand reaching the button if (skeletonFrame != null) { //int skeletonSlot = 0; Skeleton[] skeletonData = new Skeleton[skeletonFrame.SkeletonArrayLength]; skeletonFrame.CopySkeletonDataTo(skeletonData); Skeleton playerSkeleton = (from s in

Maximize window in XNA 4.0

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2020-01-05 03:35:43
问题 I am currently using the following code to allow the user to resize and maximize the window: Window.AllowUserResizing = true; Window.ClientSizeChanged += Window_ClientSizeChanged; with the Window_ClientSizeChanged event handling the changes and re-scaling the drawn images etc. This allows me to resize the window however much I want and also maximize it using the standard button in the window's handle. I would like to be able to start the application with the window in its maximized mode but

The current display adapter does not meet the emulator requirements to run XNA Framework applications

三世轮回 提交于 2020-01-03 02:28:10
问题 hi * I create a Windows Phone Game (4.0) application in Visual Studio 2010 and Win7. My application build successfully but when run it, throw an error that says: "The current display adapter does not meet the emulator requirements to run XNA Framework applications." What should I do, to remove this error? 回答1: Thanks for your thread. Followed the links ... Ended up downloading the latest DirectX Version Dated: 11/30/2010. It cleared up the error message. Given the time that past this may not

Rotating objects attached to other objects

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-31 03:58:29
问题 I have a question concerning a single mesh (building) that contains a collection of animated objects (these objects make up the complete building, rising up from the ground when it is constructed, at different speeds and rotations). The animated objects in the mesh all have their own position and rotation animation tracks. I export it from 3DS Max as an ASE, convert it into a properietary format andd use it in my gaming engine. So, at the moment, I can successfully display the animated

Need help using instancing in XNA 4.0

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-30 02:26:27
问题 I have come to inquire about instancing in XNA I am a beginning XNA developer, only recently stepping up from 2D to 3D games. I'm trying to draw a large number of cubes made solely out of vertices in code. As one might suspect, drawing a large number of these cubes causes quite a bit of stress on my computer. As I was looking for a way to increase performance I came across the term "instancing". Not knowing how instancing works in XNA 4.0, I've looked around for a tutorial suitable for