
xmltodict does not return a list for one element

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2021-01-19 14:14:42
问题 The following Code produces an error, if there is only one "car" in "garage": import xmltodict mydict = xmltodict.parse(xmlstringResults) for carsInGarage in mydict['garage']['car']: # do something... The Reason is that mydict['garage']['car'] is only a list if there is more than one element of "car". So I did something like this: import xmltodict mydict = xmltodict.parse(xmlstringResults) if isinstance(mydict['garage']['car'], list): for carsInGarage in mydict['garage']['car']: # do

xmltodict does not return a list for one element

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2021-01-19 14:09:29
问题 The following Code produces an error, if there is only one "car" in "garage": import xmltodict mydict = xmltodict.parse(xmlstringResults) for carsInGarage in mydict['garage']['car']: # do something... The Reason is that mydict['garage']['car'] is only a list if there is more than one element of "car". So I did something like this: import xmltodict mydict = xmltodict.parse(xmlstringResults) if isinstance(mydict['garage']['car'], list): for carsInGarage in mydict['garage']['car']: # do

xmltodict does not return a list for one element

元气小坏坏 提交于 2021-01-19 14:05:32
问题 The following Code produces an error, if there is only one "car" in "garage": import xmltodict mydict = xmltodict.parse(xmlstringResults) for carsInGarage in mydict['garage']['car']: # do something... The Reason is that mydict['garage']['car'] is only a list if there is more than one element of "car". So I did something like this: import xmltodict mydict = xmltodict.parse(xmlstringResults) if isinstance(mydict['garage']['car'], list): for carsInGarage in mydict['garage']['car']: # do


妖精的绣舞 提交于 2020-12-18 04:08:10
一、说明 从最开始写javascript开始,我就很烦感使用getElementById()等函数来获取节点的方法,获取了一个节点要访问其子孙节点要么child半天要么就再来一个getElementById(),这是智障吗?----所以我不喜欢beautiful soup(当然还因为他不支持xpath)。 python的json标准库可以将json结果直接解析为python对象;python也提供了好几个标准库来解析xml,但我不是很明白为什么都是一些不能直接将xml解析为python对象的垃圾库。 给一堆函数就叫功能强大吗,这次用了下次又得重新学简直脑残。 类似json将xml解析为python对象,可以使用第三方库untangle或xmltodict实现。 将以下内容保存为xml2obj.xml,后我我们就使用该文件。 <? xml version="1.0" ?> < root > < title > xml to python obj </ title > < body > < section id ="1" > section1 content </ section > < section id ="2" > section2 content </ section > </ body > </ root > 二、使用untangle将xml文件解析为python对象

How to use xmltodict to get items out of an xml file

匆匆过客 提交于 2020-11-30 12:00:13
问题 I am trying to easily access values from an xml file. <artikelen> <artikel nummer="121"> <code>ABC123</code> <naam>Highlight pen</naam> <voorraad>231</voorraad> <prijs>0.56</prijs> </artikel> <artikel nummer="123"> <code>PQR678</code> <naam>Nietmachine</naam> <voorraad>587</voorraad> <prijs>9.99</prijs> </artikel> ..... etc If i want to acces the value ABC123, how do I get it? import xmltodict with open('8_1.html') as fd: doc = xmltodict.parse(fd.read()) print(doc[fd]['code']) 回答1: Using your


不羁的心 提交于 2020-08-12 11:34:35
Python入门教程免费领取 https://www.cnblogs.com/yuxiang1/p/13301047.html 做数据分析和任何一门技术一样,都应该带着目标去学习,目标就像一座灯塔,指引你前进,很多人学着学着就学放弃了,很大部分原因是没有明确目标,所以,一定要明确学习目的,在你准备学爬虫前,先问问自己为什么要学习爬虫。有些人是为了一份工作,有些人是为了好玩,也有些人是为了实现某个黑科技功能。不过可以肯定的是,学会了爬虫能给你的工作提供很多便利。 小白入门必读 作为零基础小白,大体上可分为三个阶段去实现。 第一阶段是入门,掌握必备基础知识,比如Python基础、网络请求的基本原理等; 第二阶段是模仿,跟着别人的爬虫代码学,弄懂每一行代码,熟悉主流的爬虫工具, 第三阶段是自己动手,到了这个阶段你开始有自己的解题思路了,可以独立设计爬虫系统。 爬虫涉及的技术包括但不限于熟练一门编程语言(这里以 Python 为例) HTML 知识、HTTP 协议的基本知识、正则表达式、数据库知识,常用抓包工具的使用、爬虫框架的使用、涉及到大规模爬虫,还需要了解分布式的概念、消息队列、常用的数据结构和算法、缓存,甚至还包括机器学习的应用,大规模的系统背后都是靠很多技术来支撑的。数据分析、挖掘、甚至是机器学习都离不开数据,而数据很多时候需要通过爬虫来获取,因此

xmltodict after parse only 1 root key and all other data in 2nd key

心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-01-02 23:07:51
问题 Am I doing something wrong with importing with xmltodict. When I am importing the data I am receiving only 2 items the first the root level object and the 2nd the rest of the values. In [58]: with open('20160305RAND0_edit.xml') as f: ....: my = xmltodict.parse(f.read()) ....: for k in my.items(): ....: print(k[0]) meeting When I ask for the second key I receive the rest of the values. In [61]: with open('20160319RHIL0_edit.xml') as f: ....: my = xmltodict.parse(f.read()) ....: for k in my

xmltodict after parse only 1 root key and all other data in 2nd key

感情迁移 提交于 2020-01-02 23:03:37
问题 Am I doing something wrong with importing with xmltodict. When I am importing the data I am receiving only 2 items the first the root level object and the 2nd the rest of the values. In [58]: with open('20160305RAND0_edit.xml') as f: ....: my = xmltodict.parse(f.read()) ....: for k in my.items(): ....: print(k[0]) meeting When I ask for the second key I receive the rest of the values. In [61]: with open('20160319RHIL0_edit.xml') as f: ....: my = xmltodict.parse(f.read()) ....: for k in my

xmltodict after parse only 1 root key and all other data in 2nd key

感情迁移 提交于 2020-01-02 23:03:06
问题 Am I doing something wrong with importing with xmltodict. When I am importing the data I am receiving only 2 items the first the root level object and the 2nd the rest of the values. In [58]: with open('20160305RAND0_edit.xml') as f: ....: my = xmltodict.parse(f.read()) ....: for k in my.items(): ....: print(k[0]) meeting When I ask for the second key I receive the rest of the values. In [61]: with open('20160319RHIL0_edit.xml') as f: ....: my = xmltodict.parse(f.read()) ....: for k in my

Python: Get value with xmltodict

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2019-12-14 03:16:48
问题 I have an XML-file that looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <session id="2934" name="Valves" docVersion="5.0.1"> <docInfo> <field name="Employee" isMandotory="True">Jake Roberts</field> <field name="Section" isOpen="True" isMandotory="False">5</field> <field name="Location" isOpen="True" isMandotory="False">Munchen</field> </docInfo> </session> Using xmltodict I want to get the Employee in a string. It is probably quite simple but I can't seem to figure it out. Here's my