
Using Xcode Playground captureValue()

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-24 01:16:51
问题 I'm using Playgrounds in Xcode 7.1 (beta 3) but having trouble with the captureValue() function: captureValue:withIdentifier: Captures a value to be displayed with the specified identifier in the timeline. Declaration public func captureValue(value: T, withIdentifier identifier: String) — Apple Developer Site When I call the function, all I get is this: How do I use captureValue? Or is this a bug in beta 3? 回答1: captureValue() displays the value you capture in the Timeline, which is a

Linking pages in Swift Playgrounds [Xcode]

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-12-11 01:53:58
问题 I am new to swift playgrounds and ran into some problems while making a swift playground in Xcode. This is my main Playground page import UIKit import PlaygroundSupport import SpriteKit let secondScene = Index() let master = FirstScene() let root = UINavigationController(rootViewController: master) PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = root But when I tried adding Next Topic in both the source class in Swift and the playground page itself the link does not appear. NOTE: I am using Swift