
Swift 3.0 - Broken func value(for component: Calendar.Component) -> Int?

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2021-02-07 14:43:10
问题 Is there a workaround for value(for component: Calendar.Component) seemingly being broken? Or a dynamic way to call the property version? func dateComponentsValueShouldBeNil() { let dateComponents = DateComponents(month: 3) debugPrint("Month", dateComponents.month) // "Month" Optional(3) debugPrint("Property", dateComponents.hour) // "Property" nil debugPrint("Enumeration", dateComponents.value(for: .hour)) // "Enumeration" Optional(9223372036854775807) } 回答1: Non-defined date components in a

Swift 3.0 - Broken func value(for component: Calendar.Component) -> Int?

余生颓废 提交于 2021-02-07 14:42:04
问题 Is there a workaround for value(for component: Calendar.Component) seemingly being broken? Or a dynamic way to call the property version? func dateComponentsValueShouldBeNil() { let dateComponents = DateComponents(month: 3) debugPrint("Month", dateComponents.month) // "Month" Optional(3) debugPrint("Property", dateComponents.hour) // "Property" nil debugPrint("Enumeration", dateComponents.value(for: .hour)) // "Enumeration" Optional(9223372036854775807) } 回答1: Non-defined date components in a

Swift 3.0 - Broken func value(for component: Calendar.Component) -> Int?

偶尔善良 提交于 2021-02-07 14:41:47
问题 Is there a workaround for value(for component: Calendar.Component) seemingly being broken? Or a dynamic way to call the property version? func dateComponentsValueShouldBeNil() { let dateComponents = DateComponents(month: 3) debugPrint("Month", dateComponents.month) // "Month" Optional(3) debugPrint("Property", dateComponents.hour) // "Property" nil debugPrint("Enumeration", dateComponents.value(for: .hour)) // "Enumeration" Optional(9223372036854775807) } 回答1: Non-defined date components in a

UIcollectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath returns Null in iOS 10 only. Works fine in iOS 9 and iOS 8

故事扮演 提交于 2021-02-07 09:21:06
问题 I have an app that been happily shipping for a couple of years. It retrieves RSS Feeds in a UICollectionView. The cellForItemAtIndexPath method sets text and calls a datasource method to load an image from a link specified in the feed. If none exists it loads the web page data and searches for <img> tags to get an image. Once the image is found/loaded the delegate method is called to add the image to the cell. (below) When running in iOS 8 and 9 everything is happy, but when running in iOS 10

UIcollectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath returns Null in iOS 10 only. Works fine in iOS 9 and iOS 8

本秂侑毒 提交于 2021-02-07 09:19:03
问题 I have an app that been happily shipping for a couple of years. It retrieves RSS Feeds in a UICollectionView. The cellForItemAtIndexPath method sets text and calls a datasource method to load an image from a link specified in the feed. If none exists it loads the web page data and searches for <img> tags to get an image. Once the image is found/loaded the delegate method is called to add the image to the cell. (below) When running in iOS 8 and 9 everything is happy, but when running in iOS 10

Can't install GoogleMaps with CocoaPods

孤街醉人 提交于 2021-01-29 03:59:49
问题 I want to install the GoogleMap SDK for iOS in my project. But when I installed with pod install it got an error. [!] Unable to find a specification for `GoogleMaps` pod repo remove master ; pod setup doesn't help. pod repo update --verbose Updating spec repo `.git` $ /usr/bin/git -C /Users/admin/.cocoapods/repos/.git fetch origin From https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs 42723a4..830f47f master -> origin/master $ /usr/bin/git -C /Users/admin/.cocoapods/repos/.git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD

Vary for Traits in XCode 8 orientation

南笙酒味 提交于 2021-01-28 05:21:51
问题 I am confused if 'Vary for Traits' is the right thing to define different set of layout constraints for Portrait & Landscape mode on iPhone. My objective is to have different layouts for Portrait & Landscape modes on the iPhone (doesn't matter on iPad). I tried 'Vary for Traits' and define different set of NSLayoutConstraints for Portrait & Landscape modes but it seems to be not working. Basically if I have constraints P1 & P2 active for portrait mode and C1 & C2 for landscape mode for the

MacOS App Local Notification Not Showing when testing with XCode

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2020-12-31 10:54:28
问题 I have tried to add a banner notification generator to my macOS swift app and the banner does not appear when test running in XCode and neither are there any new notifications visible in the notification centre. Other apps on my computer are generating notifications regularly. What have I missed? I have granted permission when requested My app delegate is as follows class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate, NSUserNotificationCenterDelegate { @IBOutlet weak var mainMenu: NSMenu! func

MacOS App Local Notification Not Showing when testing with XCode

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2020-12-31 10:50:13
问题 I have tried to add a banner notification generator to my macOS swift app and the banner does not appear when test running in XCode and neither are there any new notifications visible in the notification centre. Other apps on my computer are generating notifications regularly. What have I missed? I have granted permission when requested My app delegate is as follows class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate, NSUserNotificationCenterDelegate { @IBOutlet weak var mainMenu: NSMenu! func

MacOS App Local Notification Not Showing when testing with XCode

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2020-12-31 10:45:15
问题 I have tried to add a banner notification generator to my macOS swift app and the banner does not appear when test running in XCode and neither are there any new notifications visible in the notification centre. Other apps on my computer are generating notifications regularly. What have I missed? I have granted permission when requested My app delegate is as follows class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate, NSUserNotificationCenterDelegate { @IBOutlet weak var mainMenu: NSMenu! func