
Managing Static Library project as a module like Framework on iOS project in Xcode4

孤街醉人 提交于 2020-01-21 05:36:06
问题 Many people including me trying to make a kind of Static Library framework for iOS to archive some kind of modularity. Framework is best way to do this, but it doesn't provided by Apple, and workarounds don't work well. https://github.com/kstenerud/iOS-Universal-Framework/tree/master/Fake%20Framework/Templates Fake framework cannot be referenced from linking tab in Build Phases. Real framework needs modification of system setting. And still not work smoothly on every parts. Problem is static

Fix for Xcode's indiscernible highlighting of inline errors?

北慕城南 提交于 2020-01-20 22:09:49
问题 I can't be the only one that finds Xcode's method of "pointing out" where your mistakes are - ridiculous. As helpful and essential as the feature is.. it does not help to make the line I need to fix virtually impossible to read or edit... let alone see... And don't get me started on the constant struggle to find a "selection" color that is visible, yet retains one's sanity/ability to see what the selected text actually IS! What am I missing here? I know how to futz with the colors in xCode, I

Fix for Xcode's indiscernible highlighting of inline errors?

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2020-01-20 22:09:49
问题 I can't be the only one that finds Xcode's method of "pointing out" where your mistakes are - ridiculous. As helpful and essential as the feature is.. it does not help to make the line I need to fix virtually impossible to read or edit... let alone see... And don't get me started on the constant struggle to find a "selection" color that is visible, yet retains one's sanity/ability to see what the selected text actually IS! What am I missing here? I know how to futz with the colors in xCode, I

Adding external scripts to Xcode4

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2020-01-17 07:51:20
问题 I need to do some tasks before any Archive launched in Xcode. Is there any way in Xcode to add a .sh or .py script run before Archive ? PS : I can complete these tasks by hand but it requires time, some tasks might be forgotten or if the process is done by someone else all the tasks can be forgotten. The problem is that these tasks are required to have a successfull Apple validation. Thanks 回答1: You can add script build phases at any point between the existing phases. Here is a post which

Unable to compile OpenCV project with XCode 4

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-01-17 04:08:48
问题 I successfully built OpenCV on my Mac but couldn't compile a simple OpenCV project with XCode. I added libopencv_core, libopencv_highgui and libopencv_imgproc to a file group in project. Here is the linker output: /Users/petilodie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/opencv_test-fylvojzfgmnpmycaxkpiajicbmii/Build/Products/Debug/opencv_test normal x86_64 cd /Users/petilodie/Projects/Test/opencv_test setenv MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET 10.8 /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains

committing project to source control in Xcode

蓝咒 提交于 2020-01-17 01:13:59
问题 In Xcode 4, order to commit the entire project(all source files) to the source control repo, does one have to select all the files in the project navigator(Cmd-A) or is is it sufficient if I select just the Project file at the top and then File->SourceControl->Commit? 回答1: If you choose File > Source Control > Commit... (or press Command-Option-C), Xcode will list all changed files in the commit window. If you right-click or control-click on a file and choose Source Control > Commit Selected

How can I make an action for a picture?

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2020-01-16 18:19:12
问题 In my program, I want the users could touch a picture so that an action will be activated. However, the function IBAction cannot allow me to connect it with the picture. Is there any method that can help me to trigger a function when the users touch the picture? Thank you! 回答1: You can activate the User Interaction for that picture, and then detect taps on it and trigger the action based on them. But the simplest solution would be to just put a button behind it, and connect the IBAction to

(XCode 4.0.2) Archive build (build for distribution on app-store) armv6 warning

喜你入骨 提交于 2020-01-15 07:04:54
问题 I swear I am close to finally submitting an app with XCode 4.0.2. But i am afraid i've come across a pretty steep obstacle to hurdle now. No matter what I do i always get 1-2 warnings related to the armv6 architecture. I have set both Project & Target build settings to use: Architectures : Standard (armv6 armv7) Base SDK : Latest iOS 4.3 Build active architectures only : checked or unchecked doesnt seem to make a difference) Support platforms for Distribute : iphoneos Valid architectures :

Measuring time Interval Since Now

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2020-01-14 14:32:11
问题 anyone know or can provide some example code relating to "timeIntervalSinceNow" method... I need something like... time2(when app eneters foreground) - time1(when app enters background) = time3(the difference in times)... this is so i can use this number(pref in seconds) to calculate the time i have lost while the app has been in background !! I am having trying trying to create the date objects, receive the object and display/use in a label.... 回答1: timeIntervalSinceNow tells you the offset

Is Xcode 4 preview 2 stable enough to be used for development?

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2020-01-14 13:37:24
问题 Is Xcode 4 preview 2 stable enough to be used for development? Since the final version is out, this thread can be ignored. 回答1: From what I've seen recently, it's quite unstable. It was hard to use it for more than a couple of minutes before it crashed. I certainly would not use it on a real project. 回答2: If you can tolerate a crash 2-3 times a day. Some features like the Version control, and the use of the assistance view seem especially buggy. I really love it, but i find it hard to work