
Stress testing URI using xargs + curls bash script failing with status empty

半腔热情 提交于 2021-01-29 05:09:47
问题 I'm trying to do user acceptance testing on an application which becomes unresponsive on a particular URL parameter included in the GET request. Steps I have curl and run the GET req (crafted) copied curl syntax for Unix and copied to ubuntu server along with some changes. 'https://abc.ai/getMultiDashboard/demouser' -H 'Cookie: _ga=GA1.2.561275388.1601468723; _hjid=ecd3d778-b7f5-4f7f-b3ef-6f9f12b13d66; 54651cc_an=4; _gid=GA1.2.1366208807.1601560229; _hjTLDTest=1; 54651cc_data

xargs pass multiple arguments to perl subroutine?

醉酒当歌 提交于 2021-01-28 13:55:06
问题 I know how to pipe multiple arguments with xargs: echo a b | xargs -l bash -c '1:$0 2:$1' and I know how to pass the array of arguments to my perl module's subroutine from xargs: echo a b | xargs --replace={} perl -I/home/me/module.pm -Mme -e 'me::someSub("{}")' But I can't seem to get multiple individual arguments passed to perl using those dollar references (to satisfy the me::someSub signature): echo a b | xargs -l perl -e 'print("$0 $1")' Just prints: -e So how do I get the shell

Writing from multiple processes launched via xargs to the same fifo pipe causes lines to miss

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2020-12-15 07:14:38
问题 I have a script where I parallelize job execution while monitoring the progress. I do this using xargs and a named fifo pipe. My problem is that I while xargs performs well, some lines written to the pipe are lost. Any idea what the problem is? For example the following script (basically my script with dummy data) will produce the following output and hangs at the end waiting for those missing lines: $ bash test2.sh Progress: 0 of 99 DEBUG: Processed data 0 in separate process Progress: 1 of

How to use substitution in xargs?

痞子三分冷 提交于 2020-12-10 11:04:07
问题 What I want to do is find all file with .txt extension cp them to .dat file it could do like this: for f in `find . -type f -name "*.txt"`; do cp $f ${f%.txt}.dat; done I want to do this with xargs, I have tried this: find . -type f -name "*.txt" | xargs -i cp {} ${{}%.txt}.dat I go error like this: bad substitution About this, I have these questions: how to do the substitution rightly? I am curious about that xargs will do things parallel when for loop do things one by one? 回答1: How to do

How to use substitution in xargs?

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2020-12-10 11:03:31
问题 What I want to do is find all file with .txt extension cp them to .dat file it could do like this: for f in `find . -type f -name "*.txt"`; do cp $f ${f%.txt}.dat; done I want to do this with xargs, I have tried this: find . -type f -name "*.txt" | xargs -i cp {} ${{}%.txt}.dat I go error like this: bad substitution About this, I have these questions: how to do the substitution rightly? I am curious about that xargs will do things parallel when for loop do things one by one? 回答1: How to do

How to use substitution in xargs?

喜你入骨 提交于 2020-12-10 11:03:08
问题 What I want to do is find all file with .txt extension cp them to .dat file it could do like this: for f in `find . -type f -name "*.txt"`; do cp $f ${f%.txt}.dat; done I want to do this with xargs, I have tried this: find . -type f -name "*.txt" | xargs -i cp {} ${{}%.txt}.dat I go error like this: bad substitution About this, I have these questions: how to do the substitution rightly? I am curious about that xargs will do things parallel when for loop do things one by one? 回答1: How to do

How to use substitution in xargs?

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2020-12-10 11:01:31
问题 What I want to do is find all file with .txt extension cp them to .dat file it could do like this: for f in `find . -type f -name "*.txt"`; do cp $f ${f%.txt}.dat; done I want to do this with xargs, I have tried this: find . -type f -name "*.txt" | xargs -i cp {} ${{}%.txt}.dat I go error like this: bad substitution About this, I have these questions: how to do the substitution rightly? I am curious about that xargs will do things parallel when for loop do things one by one? 回答1: How to do

JQ - How to define filter to remove brackets, quotes and commas from output array

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2020-06-27 18:41:31
问题 I need to convert an output array to lines without brackets, quotes and commas, so that it can be used to create git clones. This is my original query curl -s http://bitbucketlocalserver:7990/rest/api/1.0/projects/PROJECT_NAME/repos?per_page=20 ^ -u user:pass | H:\Downloads\Win64\jq-win64.exe -r "[.values[] | ((.links.clone[] | select(.name==\"http\") | .href) + \" \" + .name)]" which returns an output of the format [ "http://bitbucketlocalserver:7990/scm/PROJECT_NAME/gitrepo1.git

Linux rm 删除指定文件外的其他文件

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-04-07 16:56:27
一、Linux下删除文件和文件夹常用命令如下: 删除文件: rm file 删除文件夹: rm -rf dir 需要注意的是, rmdir 只能够删除 空文件夹。 二、删除制定文件(夹)之外的所有文件呢? 1、方法1,比较麻烦的做法是: 复制需要保留的文件到其他文件夹,然后将该目录删除, 然后将需要保留的移动 回来。 mv keep ../ #保留文件(夹) keep rm -rf * #删除当前文件夹里的所有文件 mv ../keep ./ #将原来的东西移动回来 2、方法2,需要在当前文件夹中进行: rm -rf !(keep) #删除keep文件之外的所有文件 rm -rf !(keep1 | keep2) #删除keep1和keep2文件之外的所有文件 3、方法3,当前文件夹中结合使用grep和xargs来处理文件名: ls | grep -v keep | xargs rm #删除keep文件之外的所有文件 说明: ls先得到当前的所有文件和文件夹的名字, grep -v keep,进行grep正则匹配查找keep,-v参数决定了结果为匹配之外的结果,也就是的到了keep之外的所有文件名,然后 xargs用于从 标准输入获得参数 并且传递给后面的命令,这里使用的命令是 rm,然后由rm删除前面选择的文件。 好处:使用了grep来正则表达式来匹配文件名字


China☆狼群 提交于 2020-04-02 11:21:36
文件查找 在文件系统上查找符合条件的文件 文件查找:locate, find 非实时查找(数据库查找):locate 实时查找:find locate 查询系统上预建的文件索引数据库 /var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db 依赖于事先构建的索引 索引的构建是在系统较为空闲时自动进行(周期性任务),管理员手动更新数据库 (updatedb) 索引构建过程需要遍历整个根文件系统,极消耗资源 工作特点: 查找速度快 模糊查找 :只要包含有keyword,不论在文件路径全名的任何部分,都会显示出来 非实时查找 搜索的是文件的全路径,不仅仅是文件名 可能只搜索用户具备读取和执行权限的目录 用法:locate KEYWORD 有用的选项 -i 不区分大小写的搜索 -n N 只列举前N个匹配项目 -r 使用 基本 的正则表达式 示例 搜索名称或路径中带有“conf”的文件 locate conf 使用Regex来搜索以“.conf”结尾的文件 locate -r ‘\.conf$’ 注意:不论它是用普通模式(支持通配符)还是正则表达式模式,都是匹配的包含即可。而find的正则表达式模式必须整个路径全部精确匹配才可 find 实时查找工具,通过遍历指定路径完成文件查找 工作特点: 查找速度略慢 精确查找 实时查找 可能只搜索用户具备读取和执行权限的目录 语法: find