
Build fail, error MT2101: Can't resolve the reference 'System.String[] System.String::Split(System.Char,System.StringSplitOptions)'

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2020-01-25 01:04:05
问题 failing when building on Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) using the Microsoft Hosted MacOS agent, mac-os-10.14. Any ideas? The difference in INSTALLED SOFTWARE IN Mac-Os14 and my mac OS is below: Hosted agent Mac-Os14: VS for Mac: 8.4.0 Nuget: 4.7.0 Xcode Latest: 11.3 .NET Core SDK 1.0.1 1.0.4 1.1.10 1.1.11 1.1.12 1.1.13 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.7 1.1.8 1.1.9 2.0.0 2.0.3 2.1.100 2.1.101 2.1.102 2.1.103 2.1.104 2.1.105 2.1.2 2.1.200 2.1.201 2.1.202 2.1.300 2.1.301 2.1.302 2.1.4 2.1.400 2.1.401 2.1.402 2.1

create a subclass of NSView to enable setTag()

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2020-01-17 06:09:41
问题 I am using xamarin to develop a Mac app, and somewhere in my program I want to set the tag of a NSView. However, the tag property is readonly for NSView, so I'm searching for a way to create a subclass where tag is writable. Is there any suggestion about how I should write the subclass? thanks 回答1: public class MyNSView : NSView { public nint _tag; public new nint Tag { get { return _tag; } set { _tag = value; } } Be aware that this is not longer the NSView Tag. Using your custom NSView Tag

App signing and package installer issue

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2020-01-14 03:03:26
问题 Everyone, i'm facing a few issues when i try to create my app for distribution. i have created every certificate that i need, the Developer an Developer Installer, according to the guide described here developer.xamarin.com/guides/mac/deployment,_testing,_and_metrics/publishing_to_the_app_store/, everything looks fine, the file generated in the bin/release folder can be executed Without issues, but the file that the installer generate itself fails when it start to use some libraries like

Xamarin Forms ListView CachingStrategy

我们两清 提交于 2020-01-12 07:58:18
问题 I have recently tested the CachingStrategy for a ListView in a Xamarin Forms App with 1000 items in the list. List items are being created from a data template of ViewCell . I Tried using RecycleElement option for CachingStrategy . When I did profiling, using Xamarin Profiler, for Android App deployed on Xamarin Anroid Player (emulator) I noticed that when I scroll through the list the memory allocation doesn't increase (on allocations summary tab). But, when I did profiling for iPhone App on

Xamarin Forms ListView CachingStrategy

限于喜欢 提交于 2020-01-12 07:58:08
问题 I have recently tested the CachingStrategy for a ListView in a Xamarin Forms App with 1000 items in the list. List items are being created from a data template of ViewCell . I Tried using RecycleElement option for CachingStrategy . When I did profiling, using Xamarin Profiler, for Android App deployed on Xamarin Anroid Player (emulator) I noticed that when I scroll through the list the memory allocation doesn't increase (on allocations summary tab). But, when I did profiling for iPhone App on

Can I remove the Xamarin version of OpenTK and use another?

余生颓废 提交于 2020-01-05 04:11:25
问题 I've down loaded visual studio for mac and have created a cross platform solution. I want to use OpenTK v2 (not the one supplied with xamarin). The problem is that there appears to be an OpenTK namespace that is used run the Xamarin.Mac even when it isn't referenced. The types (Vector4 etc) and the Math Helper class show up in my solution even if the reference isn't showing in the references section. When I add the OpenTK v2 .dll to the packages (from nuget) I get errors saying 'The imported

Issue while setting WindowSoftInputMode to AdjustPan

孤者浪人 提交于 2020-01-05 02:39:18
问题 I’m working on Xamarin forms project. I’ve many Entry fields in my application, one of them is in popup and the popup opens in the centre of the device screen. Also few entry fields are in scroll view. The issue is only with the Android Application. For iOS it’s working perfectly. When I click on Entry field in side the popup, the soft key board is opened and the UI of my popup gets disturbed. So, I decided to set WindowSoftInputMode = SoftInput.AdjustPan to my main Activity. This solves my

MvvmCross for WPF and Xamarin.Mac: is it possible?

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2020-01-04 06:14:20
问题 I'd like to ask anyone out there whether is possible, as of today, to develop a Windows/MacOS cross platform application using WPF (in Visual Studio) and Xamarin.Mac (in Xamarin Studio for Mac). I searched the web, twitted people (Stuart, I know you pointed me to loqu8 build some days ago, but I'm just stuck :P) but nothing really useful came up. So, my questions are: First and foremost: is it possible? Is it production ready? If not, how much stable it is? Are there any plans for improving

Xamarin Macintosh Customer URL protocol handle passed parameter

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-01-02 09:53:58
问题 I've written a Macintosh app that handles a custom protocol: <key>CFBundleURLTypes</key> <array> <dict> <key>CFBundleURLName</key> <string>My Cool Handler</string> <key>CFBundleURLSchemes</key> <array> <string>coolhandler</string> </array> </dict> </array> All well and good. It launches. However, I'm clicking on a link like this: coolhandler://Iwant/toparse/this In Windows, the registry entry is simple and this work just fine. When my Windows app launches, the whole url is passed as an

Xamarin Macintosh Customer URL protocol handle passed parameter

和自甴很熟 提交于 2020-01-02 09:52:16
问题 I've written a Macintosh app that handles a custom protocol: <key>CFBundleURLTypes</key> <array> <dict> <key>CFBundleURLName</key> <string>My Cool Handler</string> <key>CFBundleURLSchemes</key> <array> <string>coolhandler</string> </array> </dict> </array> All well and good. It launches. However, I'm clicking on a link like this: coolhandler://Iwant/toparse/this In Windows, the registry entry is simple and this work just fine. When my Windows app launches, the whole url is passed as an