
How to configure X-Frame-Options in Django to allow iframe embedding of one view?

大憨熊 提交于 2020-12-29 02:39:28
问题 I'm trying to enable django to allow one specific view to be embedded on external sites, preferabilly without sites restrictions. In my views.py file, I have added the following code, where the view futurebig is the one I want to enable to be embedded: from django.views.decorators.clickjacking import xframe_options_sameorigin ... @xframe_options_sameorigin def futurebig(request): ... return render_to_response('templates/iframe/future_clock_big.html', context_dict, context) which doesn't help

How to configure X-Frame-Options in Django to allow iframe embedding of one view?

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2020-12-29 02:37:49
问题 I'm trying to enable django to allow one specific view to be embedded on external sites, preferabilly without sites restrictions. In my views.py file, I have added the following code, where the view futurebig is the one I want to enable to be embedded: from django.views.decorators.clickjacking import xframe_options_sameorigin ... @xframe_options_sameorigin def futurebig(request): ... return render_to_response('templates/iframe/future_clock_big.html', context_dict, context) which doesn't help

Is there a client-side way to detect X-Frame-Options?

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2020-12-24 06:37:41
问题 Is there any good way to detect when a page isn't going to display in a frame because of the X-Frame-Options header? I know I can request the page serverside and look for the header, but I was curious if the browser has any mechanism for catching this error. 回答1: OK, this one is old but still relevant. Fact: When an iframe loads a url which is blocked by a X-Frame-Options the loading time is very short. Hack: So if the onload occurs immediately I know it's probably a X-Frame-Options issue.

Is there a client-side way to detect X-Frame-Options?

江枫思渺然 提交于 2020-12-24 06:37:39
问题 Is there any good way to detect when a page isn't going to display in a frame because of the X-Frame-Options header? I know I can request the page serverside and look for the header, but I was curious if the browser has any mechanism for catching this error. 回答1: OK, this one is old but still relevant. Fact: When an iframe loads a url which is blocked by a X-Frame-Options the loading time is very short. Hack: So if the onload occurs immediately I know it's probably a X-Frame-Options issue.

Google Apps Script does not load when embedded into iFrame

隐身守侯 提交于 2020-08-17 12:19:51
问题 I am trying to embed my Google Apps Script WebApp into an iFrame on another domain but the webapp is not loaded and I only see a white screen. There is also no error in the webinspector. The Webapp is published with: Execute as m e and Access has anyone within Given Domain. According to this I implemented my doGet method like this: function doGet(e) { return HtmlService .createHtmlOutputFromFile('html/index') .setXFrameOptionsMode(HtmlService.XFrameOptionsMode.ALLOWALL); } and the IFrame

Google Apps Script does not load when embedded into iFrame

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2020-08-17 12:16:51
问题 I am trying to embed my Google Apps Script WebApp into an iFrame on another domain but the webapp is not loaded and I only see a white screen. There is also no error in the webinspector. The Webapp is published with: Execute as m e and Access has anyone within Given Domain. According to this I implemented my doGet method like this: function doGet(e) { return HtmlService .createHtmlOutputFromFile('html/index') .setXFrameOptionsMode(HtmlService.XFrameOptionsMode.ALLOWALL); } and the IFrame

Refused to display “login.microsoftonline.com” in <iframe> in asp.net MVC app

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2020-08-10 19:16:13
问题 I am working on a project where it has two different solutions. "https://example.com" and inside that We have used to display pages of different project say "https://example123.com". I have implemented Azure AD authentication on "https://example123.com" project. So once it hits that url, AzureAD page shows up for authentication. Now I required to work the same authentication thing inside example.com which is using iframe to connect to project example123.com but getting issue - login

Allow Web Page To Be Rendered Inside HTML Frame

夙愿已清 提交于 2020-06-09 17:00:26
问题 I have two web applications: web application (web-app) and report web. I want to embedded report web in web-app in a <iframe> . So it refused by Browser with the error: X-Frame-Options: DENY Any help? 回答1: The value of X-Frame-options can be DENY (default), SAMEORIGIN, and ALLOW-FROM uri. According to Spring Security documentation you can tell Spring to overwrite the default behaviour adding your custom header that way: @Override protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

Allow Web Page To Be Rendered Inside HTML Frame

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2020-06-09 17:00:26
问题 I have two web applications: web application (web-app) and report web. I want to embedded report web in web-app in a <iframe> . So it refused by Browser with the error: X-Frame-Options: DENY Any help? 回答1: The value of X-Frame-options can be DENY (default), SAMEORIGIN, and ALLOW-FROM uri. According to Spring Security documentation you can tell Spring to overwrite the default behaviour adding your custom header that way: @Override protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

How to open other web sites inside angular application

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2020-05-25 07:42:46
问题 I am trying to load the other website where I will have a list of websites. If I click on the website link it has to open the website inside my angular application. Is there any option available in angular or anywhere that I can use to load the site where they restrict to load the sites I have tried with HTML tag elements iframe, embed, object and jquery load functions to load the site. Some of the websites are opening and some sites restrict to open on other applications <html> <body>