
Streaming an uploaded file to an HTTP request

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-23 02:38:49
问题 My goal is to accept an uploaded file and stream it to Wistia using the the Wistia Upload API. I need to be able to add fields to the HTTP request, and I don't want the file to touch the disk. I'm using Node, Express, Request, and Busboy. The code below has two console.log statements. The first returns [Error: not implemented] and the second returns [Error: form-data: not implemented] . I'm new to streaming in Node, so I'm probably doing something fundamentally wrong. Any help would be much

Streaming an uploaded file to an HTTP request

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2019-12-08 15:17:32
My goal is to accept an uploaded file and stream it to Wistia using the the Wistia Upload API . I need to be able to add fields to the HTTP request, and I don't want the file to touch the disk. I'm using Node , Express , Request , and Busboy . The code below has two console.log statements. The first returns [Error: not implemented] and the second returns [Error: form-data: not implemented] . I'm new to streaming in Node, so I'm probably doing something fundamentally wrong. Any help would be much appreciated. app.use("/upload", function(req, res, next) { var writeStream = new stream.Writable();