
Webmatrix 2: Storing static values

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2020-01-11 09:26:06
问题 Where would be the best place to store static values. And how would I access it. I want to be able to access static values from any page. But only have to define them in one place. For example 'email' and 'phoneNumber' I have tried things like Session and PageData , and defining the variables in my header (used by all pages) but this does not work. The partial is initialised after the page, so it either doesnt work at all, or doesnt work on first time load. E.g. First time Load: Page Loaded <

Launching Visual Studio from WebMatrix 2 opens wrong version

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-21 03:47:26
问题 I'm using Microsoft WebMatrix 2 to work on a simple ASP.NET WebPages site. When you are in the Files view, there is a Visual Studio Launch button that should open up the site Solution in Visual Studio 2012 . On my machine I also have Visual Studio 2010 installed and that is the version that gets opened when I click on the button. How can I make sure that Visual Studio 2012 is opened? I'm working on Windows 8 but I am pretty sure this applies to Windows 7 and XP as well. I suspect I may have

Error running node app in WebMatrix

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-17 20:15:16
问题 I installed WebMatrix and followed these instructions to install IIS 7 on my Windows 7 machine. When I click 'Run' to run my express node app, the browser pops up and tells me The iisnode module is unable to start the node.exe process. Make sure the node.exe executable is available at the location specified in the system.webServer/iisnode/@nodeProcessCommandLine element of web.config. By default node.exe is expected to be installed in %ProgramFiles%\nodejs folder on x86 systems and

PhpStorm | WebMatrix (IISExpress) | Xdebug.remote_port | — Which Port(s) to put where?

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-12-11 09:17:54
问题 I've got a localhost webserver setup with WebMatrix and its IISExpress. It runs the webserver as http://localhost:<port> . I've also installed xdebug in it which runs perfectly for error-handling purposes. Now I have installed PhpStorm and I want to make use of its debugger's break-point wizardry. It uses Xdebug's /?XDEBUG_SESSION_START=<IDEKEY> feature and This is where I'm having trouble. In all, I have 3 places where I can set PORT: (a) Port in xdebug.remote_port in php.ini . (b) Port in

Generate pdf on the fly and email with webmatrix

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-11 08:14:05
问题 I have a web application which at the moment generates certificates using a template. Since I original wrote it in php, I used the str_replace built in function to replace values in my template with values from the query. Now I have changed to asp.net web pages and my aim is to generate certificates in pdf and mail them. I am using iTextSharp and webmatrix. Below is part of my code : var sql = "SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactName, Address, City, Country, Phone FROM Customers WHERE

Error running node app in WebMatrix

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-11-28 11:26:08
I installed WebMatrix and followed these instructions to install IIS 7 on my Windows 7 machine. When I click 'Run' to run my express node app, the browser pops up and tells me The iisnode module is unable to start the node.exe process. Make sure the node.exe executable is available at the location specified in the system.webServer/iisnode/@nodeProcessCommandLine element of web.config. By default node.exe is expected to be installed in %ProgramFiles%\nodejs folder on x86 systems and %ProgramFiles(x86)%\nodejs folder on x64 systems. Here is my web.config: <configuration> <system.webServer>

How to rename an IIS Express website in Visual Studio 2012

随声附和 提交于 2019-11-27 21:11:15
问题 I initially created a site in Webmatrix 2. I just called it website1. I've now been working on the site in Visual Studio 2012 and I would like to rename it. It doesn't appear you can rename it directly, but in the .sln file there is a project entry which contains the string "website1". I renamed it and re-started VS. The new name briefly displays but then gets overwritten with the original name. So now I have the .sln file with the new name and nowhere within the folders does it reference the