
How do I set up a basic C++/C compile, and then link script for emscripten builds

邮差的信 提交于 2021-02-08 07:32:35
问题 This test if in preparation for writing a more fully fledged build module. But I need to sus out the basics first. The desire to: - build all the "object files" output to an output folder - link them into a distributable "wasm" binary and format an html page and output them to a "dist" folder. I looked at the manual in: https://kripken.github.io/emscripten-site/docs/tools_reference/emcc.html It's not as intuitive or explicitly spelled out as one would want. Below is my current simple test

I want to use mediainfo.js in React.js without 'eject' command

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2021-02-07 16:45:14
问题 I'm trying to use mediainfo.js with React.js. Looking at the usage example in React.js of the above site, it is set by "webpack.config.js". However, when I build the environment using create-react-app , "webpack.config.js" is wrapped and it seems that it can not be edited without executing the 'eject' command. If you use npm package "react-app-rewired", you can edit it without executing the reject command, so I tried it. // config-override.js (overwrites webpack.config.js) const { resolve } =

I want to use mediainfo.js in React.js without 'eject' command

不羁的心 提交于 2021-02-07 16:40:59
问题 I'm trying to use mediainfo.js with React.js. Looking at the usage example in React.js of the above site, it is set by "webpack.config.js". However, when I build the environment using create-react-app , "webpack.config.js" is wrapped and it seems that it can not be edited without executing the 'eject' command. If you use npm package "react-app-rewired", you can edit it without executing the reject command, so I tried it. // config-override.js (overwrites webpack.config.js) const { resolve } =

I want to use mediainfo.js in React.js without 'eject' command

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2021-02-07 16:40:15
问题 I'm trying to use mediainfo.js with React.js. Looking at the usage example in React.js of the above site, it is set by "webpack.config.js". However, when I build the environment using create-react-app , "webpack.config.js" is wrapped and it seems that it can not be edited without executing the 'eject' command. If you use npm package "react-app-rewired", you can edit it without executing the reject command, so I tried it. // config-override.js (overwrites webpack.config.js) const { resolve } =

Loading an external .NET Standard 2.0 assembly with blazor

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2021-02-06 11:29:15
问题 In a Blazor app, I want to load an external assembly and execute a method. For this, I have created a new ASP.Net Core webapplication using the Blazor template. Then, in a Razor Page (which will be compiled and executed by browser/wasm) I use reflection to load the assembly and run the method (based on code found here) // download external assembly from server HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); var bytes = await client.GetByteArrayAsync("http://localhost:62633/_framework/MyCustomLib.dll");

Loading an external .NET Standard 2.0 assembly with blazor

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2021-02-06 11:22:07
问题 In a Blazor app, I want to load an external assembly and execute a method. For this, I have created a new ASP.Net Core webapplication using the Blazor template. Then, in a Razor Page (which will be compiled and executed by browser/wasm) I use reflection to load the assembly and run the method (based on code found here) // download external assembly from server HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); var bytes = await client.GetByteArrayAsync("http://localhost:62633/_framework/MyCustomLib.dll");

Loading an external .NET Standard 2.0 assembly with blazor

荒凉一梦 提交于 2021-02-06 11:21:05
问题 In a Blazor app, I want to load an external assembly and execute a method. For this, I have created a new ASP.Net Core webapplication using the Blazor template. Then, in a Razor Page (which will be compiled and executed by browser/wasm) I use reflection to load the assembly and run the method (based on code found here) // download external assembly from server HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); var bytes = await client.GetByteArrayAsync("http://localhost:62633/_framework/MyCustomLib.dll");

腾讯 Live 开发者大会

百般思念 提交于 2021-02-04 18:41:55
时光荏苒,腾讯 Live 开发者大会(以下简称 TLC 大会)即将迎来第三届举办,对技术感兴趣的你一定不要错过这个绝好的、与千万开发者线上线下深度交流的机会。 TLC 大会简介 TLC大会是由腾讯直播&NOW直播IVWEB团队精心打造,致力于提升和促进全行业音视频、直播、图像处理、大前端、信息流等领域的交流和技术创新。 本届 TLC 大会的主题是 “大前端,信息流” ,将于 2019年8月17日 在深圳科兴科学园国际会议中心举办,会议持续1天。 更多信息,前往大会官网(手机端扫码查看): https://2019.tlc.ivweb.io/ 。 大会早鸟票: 199元 , 购票链接 (手机端扫码查看) : https://www.bagevent.com/event/2596495#website_moduleId_258989 精彩议题介绍 前端技术日新月异,如何在技术浪潮中打造核心竞争力?大前端还火吗?跨端如何选型?这些知识点,由TLC大会明星讲师们统统告诉你~ 探索动效开发模式 动效对于Web应用而言很多时候能做到锦上添花,但对于一个互动动效而言,动效是他的灵魂之一。面对众多的动效开发方式,如何寻找一种最适合自己的动效开发?如何更好,更快速的开发?这是我们应该一起去探讨的主题,来自 阿里巴巴的前端专家大漠 将会和大家一起聊聊他近几年对动效开发模式的思考。 Vue.js

Running async functions on Google Apps Script

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2021-02-04 05:18:51
问题 I am attempting to run WebAssembly on the new V8 Google Apps Script runtime, and it appears to be supported, however it seems that async functions are terminated after they return a Promise. let wasm= new Uint8Array([/* snip */]).buffer function add(a,b) { return((async()=>{ console.log("running function...") results=await WebAssembly.instantiate(wasm) return results.instance.exports.add(a,b) })()); } function test(){ add(2,3).then(console.log).catch(console.error) } when I run test "running

Running async functions on Google Apps Script

孤者浪人 提交于 2021-02-04 05:05:35
问题 I am attempting to run WebAssembly on the new V8 Google Apps Script runtime, and it appears to be supported, however it seems that async functions are terminated after they return a Promise. let wasm= new Uint8Array([/* snip */]).buffer function add(a,b) { return((async()=>{ console.log("running function...") results=await WebAssembly.instantiate(wasm) return results.instance.exports.add(a,b) })()); } function test(){ add(2,3).then(console.log).catch(console.error) } when I run test "running