
Waffle SSPI Kerberos Single Sign On: Configuring the Encryption Ciphers, and Debugging

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2021-01-29 09:02:25
问题 How can we configure which Encryption Ciphers a Java Waffle SSPI Kerberos Single Sign On (SSO) client should use? How can we best debug which ciphers are actually being used by the client and server? Background We need to restrict the Encryption Ciphers used for Kerberos SSO, removing ciphers now considered weak. Our Setup The Java Application Server implements SSO via pure Java GSSAPI. The Java Client implements SSO by two configurable SSO APIs: On Linux or Windows 10 without Credential

2020全新球鞋!Nike、New Balance、adidas、Fila、Acics...

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2020-08-19 17:35:24
  想知道2020下半年有哪些全新球鞋,又有哪些值得购入!那这篇务必收藏到我的最爱:   Nike   为女性打造专属训练服装、鞋履的Nike,这回带着全新Nike Waffle Racer再度回归,从原型鞋款的精神中汲取灵感,为女性双脚的形状和比例,打造舒适外底及修长鞋身的专属鞋款。Nike Waffle Racer 2X延续经典设计的同时,注入前为大胆的创意,例如外底加大Waffle格纹、鞋面上的贴布元素。值得一提的是,鞋身印上原款的专利号3793750,有向经典鞋款致敬的涵义。分别有玫瑰粉、天蓝色等粉嫩色系可供选择。         New Balance   改写品牌一贯作风的New Balance 327,2020年5月首度问世,鞋底灵感取自1977年诞生的第一双越野鞋款355,加上大胆撞色的设计,以及极具辨识度的大写N字Logo,让NB粉丝对品牌有了全新认识。作为New Balance年度主打鞋款,7月再推出10双全新配色,包含麂皮材质拼接橘色、经典黑搭紫罗兰、军绿色、海军丹宁色以及女孩们最难抗拒的奶茶色。(New Balance 327)      adidas Originals   经典的三片叶有了全新生命!adidas Originals在2020年将经典商品Superstar作为年度主打球鞋,不仅推出全新配色,更打造不同城市的限定系列

笔记,记录了一名PHPer整了 ROS 两个月左右的一些文档

拟墨画扇 提交于 2020-08-06 21:31:32
文章记录了近期整了两个月左右过程中用到的一些资料,整理下来,有些乱... 建议要是能用 Docker 安装 ROS 的话,就尽量少去折腾环境,留出时间研究 ROS 入门文档 ROS_Robot_Programming_CN.PDF 提取码: kzeg 官方中文 Wiki 文档 Python 示例代码 使用 Python 读取 scan topic 的方法! 导入 LDS 的 msg 数据类型包名 import rospy from sensor_msgs.msg import LaserScan 查看 Topic 消息内容 rostopic echo /kobuki/lase/scan -n1 输出 header: seq: 5 stamp: secs: 2829 nsecs: 69000000 frame_id: "laser_sensor_link" angle_min: -1.57079994678 angle_max: 1.57079994678 angle_increment: 0.00436940183863 time_increment: 0.0 scan_time: 0.0 range_min: 0.10000000149 range_max: 30.0 ranges: [inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, ....] 查看消息类型 rosmsg

Waffle SSPI how to set the SPNEGO mutualFlag

拥有回忆 提交于 2020-03-26 15:12:53
问题 While trying to solve this problem we noticed a difference between the SPNEGO Requests (KRB_AP_REQ) from our GSSAPI and SSPI client implementations: Using GSSPI the mutalFlag is set to False Using SSPI the mutualFlag is set to True. In our Java code calling GSSAPI we can explicitly set the flag to true or false as required, but I have found no way to do this using Waffle / SSPI. Searching the Waffle code on Github for “mutual” gave only one hit: for the constant ISC_REQ_MUTUAL_AUTH Is there a

Coding and Paper Letter(七十九)

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2020-03-20 08:17:56
3 月,跳不动了?>>> 新一期资源整理。 1 Coding: 1.图灵方式的主机存储库:如何引导一个可重复的数据科学项目。 the turing way 2.COVID-19新型冠状病毒的样本数据处理(R语言)。 Coronavirus sample processing 3.野火极端事件的时空模拟。 wildfire extremes 4.sqlite3的egg插件。 egg sqlite3 5.我们为自然语言理解(NLU)和生成(NLG)任务开发预先训练的模型。 unilm 6.LaTeX 编译环境配置:Visual Studio Code 配置简介。 vscode latex 7.谷歌大脑自动机器学习。 automl 8.下一代无服务器计算。 cloudstate 9.Manim是一个解释数学视频的动画引擎。它被用来以编程方式创建精确的动画,就像在3Blue1Brown的视频中看到的那样。 manim 10.正式提交的“Joint 3D Tracking and Forecasting with Graph Neural Network and Diversity Sampling”PyTorch实现。 GNNTrkForecast 11.CVPR会议2020论文"Rotate-and-Render: Unsupervised Photorealistic Face

Spring Security Role Hierarchy issues

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-19 04:42:20
问题 I am trying to enable role hierarchy voting in Spring Security when authenticating using Waffle NTML but having some unknown issues in that the inherited roles do not appear as authorities on the principal as expected preventing hasRole expressions in both the intercept urls and using the authorize jsp taglibs. I have been integrating waffle based on the following guide: https://github.com/dblock/waffle/blob/master/Docs/spring/SpringSecuritySingleSignOnFilter.md This works within the

How to configure waffle in spring using java configuration

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-12 07:49:12
问题 I have been struggling to get waffle to work with spring 4.2.5 using spring java configuration. And I thought I might as well help others in the same situation. We use a custom preWaffle and postWaffle filter to authenticate that the user exists in our database after it has been validated via waffles NTLM protocol. We also have methods for authorization of a user actions using the EnableGlobalMethodSecurity annotation. To get this working in spring java configuration was trouble some to say

Java SSO using SPNEGO

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-12 04:35:03
问题 I'm newbie in this topic. I need help to implement the authentication Java SSO for a web application over Tomcat 6.0.29. I have read about SPNEGO and proven the examples helloKDC.java and hello_spnego.jsp at http://spnego.sourceforge.net/ wich worked well,but I don't know what are the steps I have to follow for implement the solution. i.e. is enough to get the name of remote user? or I have to do something else for assure its identity and keep on the session of the current user?. 来源: https:/

Spring Security + Waffle: Kerberos authentication fails with IE 11, in Firefox works fine

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-11 05:10:02
问题 I have a Spring Boot + Spring Security + Waffle application which can authenticate very well if the pages are visited from Firefox. If I do the same from IE 11, the first authentication sequence performs correctly, but as soon as I try to click on a link, I get a 401 Unauthorized. Comparing to what I see in Fiddler for IE 11 and Firefox, there's a difference, but I don't really know whether and how that affects this. Firefox : gets the 401, sends the request with the negotiate header, gets a

How to use WAFFLE for SSO using stand alone java client

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-11 02:05:58
问题 We are trying to use WAFFLE for SSO using a standalone java client with JAAS. We've mentioned waffle.jaas.WindowsLoginModule in our jaas.conf but it is prompting for user name, password which we believe is not an ideal solution for SSO. Can any one suggest how to avoid this? FYI - We aren't using any web/app server. 回答1: I believe you will need both a server and client for SSO. You can have a look at this example, it doesn't use the login module but the underlying WindowsSecurityContext