
VHDL No Function declaration for operator “-”

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2020-08-10 23:42:34
问题 So i have a task to do the mod operation between 2 vectors(called here dividendo and divisor), so what i need is dividendo mod divisor. We have some restrictions on this code, that is, we cant use iee_std_logic_1164, textio, etc. I think the only libraries allowed are IEEE and IEEE.numeric_bit The algorithm to this operation tells me to: while(dividendo >= divisor){ dividendo = dividendo - divisor } return dividendo And then i wrote this vhdl file: library IEEE; entity resto is port (clock ,

保护我的文件:Windows Bitlocker+虚拟硬盘VHD

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2020-02-28 13:45:11
我之前一直使用的TrueCrypt作为我的加密工具,后来升级到Window 10后,我改用了Windows自带的BitLocker作为我的加密工具,优点: 系统自带,不用安装额外的工具 和虚拟硬盘结合,加密整个驱动器 一次性加密,之后在存取文件时速度快,不需要再对文件进行加解密 延伸阅读: 升级Windows 10后: Windows 10中新的文件管理方式:快速访问、固定文件夹、文件过滤器和文件分组 目录: 创建VHD虚拟硬盘 初始化虚拟硬盘,创建卷 启用BitLocker加密驱动器 我把哪些资料放入加密磁盘 结束语:提高信息安全意识,保护个人重要资料 阅读全文 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina.net/u/52437/blog/516974

Programmatically attaching a VHD to a remote Hyper-V VM

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2020-01-21 08:10:42
问题 Using Hyper-V Manager, I can connect to a remote VM host, go to the settings of a VM, and add an existing .VHD file as a new hard disk. If the VM host is running Server 2008 R2, and the disk is being attached to a SCSI controller, I can even do this while the VM is running (see What's new in Hyper-V R2). Doing this manually, everything works great. The trouble is, now I want to automate it so I can attach different VHDs on-the-fly during some automated tests. I already have C# code that

Download Azure VHD to local use powershell

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-24 12:18:11
问题 How can I download azure vhd with powershell to local machine? I read the document, but I can't find the blob url like "https://XXX.blob.core.windows.net/vhds/XXX.vhd" Anybody know that? Thanks 回答1: According to your description, your VM uses managed disk not unmanaged disk. So, you could not find the VHD file in storage account. More information about managed disk please refer to this link. If you want to download the VHD in managed disk, you should copy it to a storage account first. #

VHD Java library

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-20 03:59:08
问题 I'm looking for a Java library that can open .vhd files. I wants to create a program that can navigate inside it. I also want it to be cross-platform. I have googled for an library a while now but found nothing. I did only find an old unanswerd question here on stack overflow. Can anyone help me? 回答1: Consider libguestfs. libguestfs is a C library, but it has a Java binding. It claims to be cross-platform, working on Linux and Mac OS X, and "[s]ome virt tools have been ported to Windows".

How do I delete an Azure storage account containing a leased blob?

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-17 15:11:46
问题 I was playing with Windows Azure durable virtual machines. In the end, I deleted the virtual machine (successfully) and tried to delete the associated storage account. The request to delete the storage account fails. On the Preview Portal (manage.windowsazure.com) when I delete the storage account I get this error: Failed to delete Storage account 'portalvhdscwtwycpsxxxxx' Details: Storage account portalvhdscwtwycpsxxxxx has 1 container(s) which have an active image and/or disk artifacts.

Is rising_edge in VHDL synthesizable

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-13 07:35:29
问题 In my coding when I write this statement, it is simulated, but not synthesizable. why? Now what should I do to solve this problem??? IF ((DS0='1' OR DS1='1')and rising_edge(DS0) and rising_edge(DS1) AND DTACK='1' AND BERR='1') THEN RV0 <= not RV; else RV0 <= RV; 回答1: The most important thing when doing FPGA-designs is to think hardware. An FPGA consists of a number of hardware blocks, with a predetermined set of inputs and outputs - the code you write needs to be able to map to these blocks.


那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-10 05:14:45
在 Hyper-V 中手动将 .avhd 合并到 .vhd Hyper-V 使其他灾难恢复方案栩栩如生,可以在需要时利用这些优势使我们受益。 VM 快照是真正发挥作用的功能之一。快照基本上是将虚拟机当前正在运行的配置保存到快照差异磁盘文件( AVHD )的时间点,以后您可以从中返回该快照文件。本技巧将向您展示如何将 Hyper-V 快照手动合并到单个 VM 中以进行时间点还原。 创建差异磁盘时,不再修改原始 VHD ,并且仅在关闭电源后将快照与原始 vhd 合并。在灾难恢复方案中,有时可能需要手动合并快照( avhd ) 为此,您必须首先将最新 AVHD 文件的扩展名更改为 VHD 。 任何 VHD 差异磁盘( avhd )将始终转到其父级,而不是根父级。 因此,如果您有一堆 AVHD ,则每个视 HDHD 都取决于它之前的视听 - 就像梯子的横档 - 它们是顺序的。大多数人都有非常简单的线性快照链。示例: VHD-AVHD1-AVHD2-AVHD3-AVHD4 。(这里 AVHD4 是最新的,而 AVHD1 是最旧的) 。 AVHD4 的父级是 AVHD3 。 AVHD3 的父级是 AVHD2 。 AVHDn 的父级就是它的父级。 您需要开始从新 AVHD 到旧 AVHD 的合并才能完成合并操作。 要开始合并,请执行以下步骤 首先确定最新的AVHD(在我们的前身:AVHD4)

backup/snapshot a vm image (vhd) in windows azure

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-09 17:50:02
问题 I was wondering if anyone had any information on how to backup a vm image that has been uploaded to the cloud. There is an option to revert to the initial state. However, it would be extremely handy if a snapshot could be taken or if the vhd could be downloaded again. Any input would be welcome. Thanks 回答1: This is not possible today. (Adding more text to reach the 30-character requirement. Huh?) 回答2: But now it is... ;-) https://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/manage/linux/how-to-guides/capture

How to to create include files in vhdl?

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-08 02:53:41
问题 I need to use one module, I created previously using vhdl in another module and I cant find any info on how to do this. I'm forced to use maxplus2, and the only thing I found there is that I can create include file there (will have .inc extension), but I still cant get it included in my second module. I've spent the whole morning searching for this info but found nothing. Can anybody help me with it? 回答1: You don't. VHDL doesn't have include files, it avoids that whole horrid disastrous