
Deferred binding failed GWT using uibinder

懵懂的女人 提交于 2020-01-23 18:13:24
问题 Below are the total files used in project. It is giving these errors [ERROR] [cricketscore] - Deferred binding failed for 'test.client.UserDashboard.MyUiBinder'; expect subsequent failures and [ERROR] [cricketscore] - Unable to load module entry point class test.client.DashBoard (see associated exception for details). Please help me resolve the problem in it. Cricketscore.gwt.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- When updating your version of GWT, you should also update this DTD

Deferred binding failed GWT using uibinder

泄露秘密 提交于 2020-01-23 18:12:05
问题 Below are the total files used in project. It is giving these errors [ERROR] [cricketscore] - Deferred binding failed for 'test.client.UserDashboard.MyUiBinder'; expect subsequent failures and [ERROR] [cricketscore] - Unable to load module entry point class test.client.DashBoard (see associated exception for details). Please help me resolve the problem in it. Cricketscore.gwt.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- When updating your version of GWT, you should also update this DTD

GWT (2.7) Compile fails when declaring a GwtQuery (1.0.6) Widget in UiBinder in GWTP (1.5.1) project

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2020-01-06 19:33:29
问题 When I simply just declare a GwtQuery DragAndDropCellTree in my MyView.ui.xml UiBinder in my GWTP project, I cannot GWT Compile it: [3] xmlns:gq="urn:import:gwtquery.plugins.droppable.client.gwt" ... [59] <gq:DragAndDropCellTree></gq:DragAndDropCellTree> [ERROR] No class matching "DragAndDropCellTree" in urn:import:gwtquery.plugins.droppable.client.gwt: < gq:DragAndDropCellTree > (:59) [ERROR] Errors in 'gen/my/package/com_gwtplatform_mvp_client_DesktopGinjector_DesktopGinjectorGinjector

How do you remove defaul GWT style from CaptionPanel widget?

人盡茶涼 提交于 2020-01-06 09:06:54
问题 How do you remove defaul GWT style from CaptionPanel widget ? In my .ui.xml I tried pretty much everything. I tried setting stylePrimaryName and styleName to my classname. I also tried defining .gwt-CaptionPanel with no effect. My .xml looks something like this: <ui:style src="../common.css"> .test { color: red; } .gwt-CaptionPanel { } </ui:style> <g:CaptionPanel captionText="Test" stylePrimaryName="{style.test}"> </g:CaptionPanel> 回答1: CaptionPanel does not have a default style defined, so

How do you remove defaul GWT style from CaptionPanel widget?

北城以北 提交于 2020-01-06 09:05:18
问题 How do you remove defaul GWT style from CaptionPanel widget ? In my .ui.xml I tried pretty much everything. I tried setting stylePrimaryName and styleName to my classname. I also tried defining .gwt-CaptionPanel with no effect. My .xml looks something like this: <ui:style src="../common.css"> .test { color: red; } .gwt-CaptionPanel { } </ui:style> <g:CaptionPanel captionText="Test" stylePrimaryName="{style.test}"> </g:CaptionPanel> 回答1: CaptionPanel does not have a default style defined, so

Setting styles on different faces of a GWT CustomButton using UiBinder

随声附和 提交于 2020-01-05 07:58:05
问题 I'm trying to set style names on different faces of ToggleButton (i.e. upFace, downFace, ...). It looks like setting styleName on a face doesn't work. For example the following won't work: <g:ToggleButton> <g:upFace styleName='{style.myToggleButton-up}' /> </g:ToggleButton> But I noticed when setting the style name on ToggleButton itself... <g:ToggleButton styleName='{style.myToggleButton}' /> ... the generated HTML will look something like this: <div class="GPAKHSCBGG GPAKHSCBGG-up" role=

How to wire up GWT hyperlink click handler?

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2020-01-03 17:28:15
问题 I am brand new to GWT and am trying to achieve the following: Here's the code that I've cooked up: public class MyWebApp implements EntryPoint { // The main container for everything the user sees (the "view") private LayoutPanel mainPanel; // Simple HTML for the header ("MyWebApp") and subsequent <hr/> private SafeHtml header; // The three links "Dashboard", "Monitors" and "Help Desk" private HorizontalPanel navMenu; // The empty content that gets populated when user clicks one of // the 3

Custom tags in UiBinder files

南笙酒味 提交于 2020-01-03 07:29:13
问题 When using a <g:LayoutPanel> in UiBinder.ui.xml files, you can specify <g:layer> tags. Some other Google-built widgets have special tags like that as well - <g:tab> even has a sub-tag, <g:header> . How can I specify these for my own widgets? 回答1: The new answer to this question, after some GWT improvements, is at https://stackoverflow.com/a/11785903/439317 . Copied below to avoid moderator deletion (maybe?). You can use @UiChild to declare special functions in your widgets accessible in

UiBinder - HTMLPanel vs. div

萝らか妹 提交于 2020-01-02 01:02:08
问题 Is there some sort of penalty when I'm using a HTMLPanel instead of a plain div ? E.g. <g:HTMLPanel> <div> /* Widgets, more HTML */ </div> </g:HTMLPanel> in contrast to <g:HTMLPanel> <g:HTMLPanel> /* Widgets, more HTML */ </g:HTMLPanel> </g:HTMLPanel> 回答1: Short answer: When in doubt, look at the generated code (pass the -gen argument to the DevMode or Compiler) Long answer: There will be a runtime performance penalty using a widget over a simple DOM element, always. And even more when that

Add Icon in a Column of CellTable in GWT

别来无恙 提交于 2020-01-01 19:19:47
问题 With all the values in textcoloumn. I want to add image cell. I don't want use Gwt-Ext or Smart client. My code private CellTable<FDocument> getDocumentTable() { if (documentTable == null) { documentTable = new CellTable<FDocument>(); documentTable.setSize("600px", "300px"); documentTable.addColumn(nameColumnD, "NAME"); documentTable.addColumn(sizeColumnD, "SIZE"); documentTable.addColumn(modified_by_ColumnD, "MODIFIED BY"); documentTable.addColumn(dateColumnD, "MODIFIED ON"); documentTable